Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The South African Youth

Reflecting back on the tragedy that just occurred at Columbine High School in Denver Colorado and the generalizations being made about the U.S youth and the crisis that we are in and supposedly are experiencing ,I decided to research the youth crisis in South Africa. There is at present no â€Å"youth crisis† as such. However young people find themselves in the midst of a range of crises that should be addressed urgently by the state and society. † South African youths† as a category refers to South Africans between 15 and 30 years of age; they constitute 29,5% of the population, yet there is no comprehensive youth policy in place to attend to their needs. Most young people share common values of society – signs of radicalism and militarism are found in only a minority of youth. Only a small percentage of South Africa's youth can be considered truly marginalized as the country's youth as a whole and therefore cannot be called a â€Å"lost generation†. Thirty-seven per cent of South Africa population were below the age of 15 in 1991. It can be compared with the average of 40% for similar countries in the world, less-developed countries averaging 44% and industrialized countries 23%. The composition of people between 15 and 30 years, comprised 29,5% of South Africa's population. Figures for racial categories indicate a total of approximately 8,3 million (75%) black, 1,4 m. (12%) white, 1,1 m. (10%) colored and 300 000 (3%) Asian youths in this group. There are many problems for the South African Youth and some of the most challenging problems include family and community instability that leads to a wide range of other social problems for youth. The black family has been under enormous strain partly because of an education system that is not providing all youth with relevant and quality education. Economic stagnation, together with inadequate education, has resulted in high levels of unemployment and poverty, especially among women and blacks. Demographic factors which continue to impact on the South African population and more specifically the youth. It has been estimated that by 1995, 50% of the age cohort 15 to 19 will live in urban areas. The extent to which young people from the different racial and cultural groups have become isolated from one another, with the accompanying negative stereotypes, intolerance and racism. A historical survey in the report leaves little doubt that South African youth have over the years been victims of political and socio-cultural crises. They have been subjected to poverty, blatant political manipulation, racial and other divisions that tore the country apart, and a lack of any systematic youth policy to attend to their needs. As a group, they have for many years been largely ignored by the leaders in control of their destiny. And yet, from the earliest decades of the century, they have attempted to assert themselves by forming youth organizations, by protesting against injustices and by insisting on a decent education and living conditions. Unemployment has been a struggle for the South African Youth. Studies show roughly 42% of youth between the ages of 15 and 30 were unemployed. Young women were particularly disadvantaged. In the first place, they were less likely to be part of the labor force because large numbers were involved in unpaid domestic work. Secondly, they found it difficult to find employment while being involved in unpaid domestic work. Unemployment affects the unmarried, junior members of households more adversely than the other members. Unemployment is higher in the homelands and in urban areas that comprise squatter and informal settlements close to the major metropolitan area. It is however unclear as to whether unemployment is higher in rural or in urban areas. At the time, studies indicate 45% of the black, 12% of the white, 40% of the colored and 29% of the Asian youth were unemployed. Family structure and living conditions play an important role. The core family has been seriously affected by social upheavals. Studies indicate that 22% of white, 20% of Asian, 32% of colored and 40 % of black families are currently headed by females. Stability may be found in nuclear, extended, compound or single-parent families. The extended kinship system among blacks and Asians seems to cushion the negative effects of disrupted nuclear family units. However, many youths are not experiencing stability of an enduring nature, and it emerges from surveys that a lot of young people are receiving only fragmented care. The lack of control, supervision and attention is clearly linked to teenagers' negative behavior such as alcohol and drug abuse, crime, indiscriminate and unprotected sexual activities, etc. Percentages of teenage pregnancies and births out of wedlock are unacceptably high and AIDS is a frightening reality. Amenities such as electricity, on-tap water, waterborne sewerage, refuse removal, etc, are massively under provided to blacks. Black youth live in homes of which 46 % do not have running water and 57 % have no electricity. Only 53 % blacks have access to television Over the life span of today's youth, a third of all Asian families, nearly a quarter of all colored families and nearly a fifth of the black population were forcibly moved by one method or another. Culture and youth organizations play a very important role in the South African youth of today. Studies affirm that one cannot really speak of a single, monolithic â€Å"youth culture†. In an era of rapid social transformation, stereotyped binary cultural oppositions such as urban/rural, elitist/popular, modern/traditional, are also losing their essential distinctive value. For example, some research point to the possibility that the position that youth occupied in â€Å"traditional†, conservative societies has changed with urbanization and westernization. Recognition of youth's new, more assertive position has important implications for policy formulation regarding their diversity and their ability not only to react to change and development but actually help guide it. On the other hand, one study showed that, in spite of lingering signs of racism, 60% of adolescents from all the population groups preferred to identify themselves as â€Å"South African†, which may indicate an increasing sense of shared identity, if not unity. The present processes of societal transformation and democratization make the promotion of a shared culture and values essential; something that should start at school level. Recreation and sports play an important role in young people's lives: 41,7% of male youth and 18,7% of female youth in South Africa are active members of sports clubs. Only 16,3% of all youth however belonged to a youth club and only 8,4% belonged to a cultural organization. Facilities for sports, recreational and organizational activities are urgently needed. The crisis in education is well documented. Black education was seriously disrupted during the 1980s. However, black education expanded greatly in an attempt to fulfil its community's needs, and improved its retention rates at the same time, despite a range of crises that were almost beyond human imagination. For the majority of black youth in South Africa, access to secondary education is restricted to traditional secondary schools where places are limited, facilities are not up to standard, teachers are not properly qualified and access to subjects such as mathematics, physical science, economics, business economics, accounting, etc, is limited because of a shortage of teachers qualified in these subjects. This causes the whole system to be skewed in favor of such subjects as biology, geography, history and biblical studies, which are the four most â€Å"popular† non-language subjects among black pupils. Clearly if this trend were to continue, the youth would be even more fr ustrated with the learning opportunities offered to them. Violence and crime remain endemic in the country and have many destructive effects on youth. Scientific research has shown that black respondents generally rejected violence as a political option, but that about 20% of the white the respondents tended to be militarized in their outlook. In a new democracy like South Africa it is imperative that all its citizens should be politically literate to enable them to participate fully in all facets of a democratic society. Several studies on political literacy among young South Africans have suggested that this country's youth are not well informed about politics. There is probably no area of South African life which has more compellingly shown the extent to which apartheid has isolated and insulated different sections of this country's youth from one another than the area of politics. Youth who grew up in the security and tranquillity of white neighborhoods could fully participate in the parliamentary politics of apartheid South Africa if they wished to do so. They had very little knowledge or understanding of the harsh realities of township life which confronted the vast majority of South Africa's youth every day. For most white youths the events, that have taken place in South Africa's black townships since the mid-seventies, were nothing more than images on the television screen – events they were socialized to interpret as being initiated by radical (communist inspired) people who were attempting to take away their (whites') privileged position. Indeed, white and black youths under apartheid lived in different worlds. Studies have shown that the above problems are ameliorated by two sets of findings, namely that â€Å"the South African youth† by no means represent a uniform category of people, and that the majority of South Africa's young people want to play a constructive role in the creation of a new South Africa. Their rejection of violence, their respect for the cultural and racial diversity in South Africa, the value they place on education and training are all very important to the South African youths of today and in that sense we American youths should learn a thing or two from them. They have adapted in remarkable and innovative ways to the often painful processes of rapid change, and although they may lack skills and opportunities, they are eager to face the challenge of reconstruction and development. Most of them share their communities' values and are basically conservative in their views. Only 8% of the sample claimed no religious affiliation – the majority felt that religion played an important role in their daily lives. In conclusion that the tide may be turning for the country's youth. Population growth rates are decreasing, income distribution is becoming more equal, the assault on family structures was balanced by the growth of the compound family, a legitimately elected government is in place and a national youth policy has been promised in the RDP. June 16 has been declared a public holiday and renamed Youth Day. Not only youth's many contributions to the country, but in particular their sacrifices and hardships have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ethics & Philosophy Essay

Free markets can be said to be the markets which have no government interference or regulation. The only regulations present are the ones which involve protecting property rights and maintaining the legal system. Free markets are markets in which the product prices are solely set through market forces, as opposed to interference by external forces. There is also free competition in free markets, and the law of supply and demand is used to fix prices of goods and services in such markets. There are various philosophers who support free markets while others are opposed to such markets. The paper will analyze the contributions of Adam smith, Karl Marx and Milton Friedman on the issue and will give a brief conclusion on the issues discussed. Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a German philosophers who is considered to be amongst the most controversial philosophers in history. He was against capitalism and free markets, which he viewed to be a means with which property owners or the rich use to maintain control over the peasants or poor. Karl Marx viewed the capitalist system as a system meant to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. He explained that initially, capitalism was meant to be a means with which people exchanged commodities which they did not have. However, after money was created, it evolved and became a means with which people could make profits as opposed to satisfying the demand for products. Over time, capitalism undermined the human development and well being, and products created could now dictate how interactions between human beings would be. Soon, the relations between society became material as everything was treated in terms of its monetary worth, as opposed to creative and artistic qualities possessed. Capitalism led to the alienation of workers since they were separated from owning the means which was used for production, and they became slaves to the people who owned those means. This led to the emergence of two economic groups; the property owners and the workers, and the latter were oppressed by the former. This is the reason which made him predict the collapse of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. Socialism is a system in which the government or authority controls production so that it may be mutually beneficial to all members of the society or state. Karl Marx was opposed to free markets since they tended to favor the rich and oppress the poor. Free markets are a feature of the capitalist system, which made Karl Marx oppose them. Weaknesses of this argument. Karl Marx is opposed to free markets due to the weaknesses which he views in capitalism. Karl Marx views capitalism to be a system where the rich oppress the poor. He therefore opposes all features of capitalist systems which he views to be a means which promote the exploitation of the poor . However, Karl Marx does not consider the model which combines both capitalism and socialism in order to take advantage of the positive attributes of the two models. Since socialism has its weaknesses, combining both models may be more beneficial to the economy. In this respect, moderate government interference in trade by the government is an option which Karl Marx should have pursued. Adam Smith. He is considered to be the father of the modern economics and he contributed a lot toward the modern capitalist system. Adam Smith was of the opinion that production was the key to economic growth and that this could only be achieved through economic liberalization. Adam Smith therefore supported unregulated markets since he saw them as a means of stimulating economic growth. He explained that free markets would enable individuals to develop a business without having government intervention, and that the people who consume the products developed would do so at prices which have been determined by demand and supply forces . Adam Smith added that free markets enabled the most competitive producers and consumers to survive, which was beneficial to the economy. He viewed free markets are independent problem solvers which did not require government interference, since market forces eventually address any surpluses or shortages which are inherent in the market. Adam Smith uses the ‘invisible hand’ theory to explain the way in which different parts of the economy are integrated. Smith explains that each individual is guided by an invisible hand in making their decisions which benefit the economy, without their knowledge. He explains that individuals carry out actions which are meant to benefit themselves, but they end up benefiting the society at large, which is not the initial aim of the individual. Smith gives an illustration of the creation of a wool coat. He says that the coat is developed after a series of processes which are undertaken by different people. The shepherd who owns the sheep, the spinner who develops the coats, and the shipper who transports them to the market all play a role in the creation of the finished product. He explains that this subconscious process by the different parties involved achieves higher levels of efficiencies than would be achieved had the process been planned by the players involved. It means that markets which are regulated by the government have lower efficiency levels compared to markets which are not regulated . This is the major reason why Adam Smith supports the free markets as opposed to regulated markets. Weaknesses of this argument. Adam smith is of the opinion that free markets enabled the most competitive producers and consumers to survive, which is beneficial to the economy. He gives many attributes of free markets, most of which are true. However, he does not discuss the weaknesses of free markets. Free markets suffer from certain weaknesses such as inhibiting the growth of small firms. Free markets may also experience monopolistic and oligopolistic tendencies which adversely affect the economy. The economy may also suffer certain effects attributed to unfair practices in trade. Other effects like inflation, market downturns and others require regulation by a central authority. Adam Smith does not discuss these situations, which makes his argument inconclusive. Milton Friedman. Friedman made major contributions to the economic crisis during the early 20th century. He viewed the 1920s as a period of sustainable and vital growth. Friedman believed that economic growth and freedom had a direct relationship. He used several principles and arguments to further his support from free markets. The political principle was used by Friedman to define the features of free markets. He explained that in free markets, individuals cannot coerce each other and that there is voluntary cooperation between the parties involved . He further explained that parties which are involved in transactions under such circumstances benefit in one way or another, otherwise they would not participate in these transactions. In free market transactions, there are no social responsibilities and values; there are only shared responsibilities and values. However, Friedman was also of the opinion that the government should intervene in the economy if there is threat to it. One of the instances when Friedman supported government interference was during the Great depression which occurred in 1929. The Great Depression changed the view that the United States economy was robust and that it should be totally free from government control, after the US Stock Exchange collapsed due to various factors. Friedman supports the market regulation and explains that if the Federal Government had intervened and applied the right policies, this depression would have been avoided. He explains that the Federal Government should have suspended payment for the withdrawals being requested by people. The policy which was used at the time, which involved printing more money to supplement the increased demand, is blamed for the Great Depression. This reveals a more soft approach to the initial stand that government intervention should not be allowed, and that the markets should be allowed to operate as free markets. However, it does not completely change the stance which had been taken by Friedman regarding free markets. Government interference is allowed only under special circumstances where lack of intervention would lead to severe effects to the economy. This was the case during the Great depression and is also currently the case in the event of the global financial crisis being experienced. Weaknesses of this argument. Friedman is categorical that there should be free markets if economies are to grow. He argues that the absence of social values and responsibilities and the presence of shared values are factors which facilitate economic growth. However, he appears to take a soft stand when discussing the Great Depression where he advocates for government interference, but using the right policies. This is a deviation from his stand that the government should not interfere with the business environment. It also reveals that free trade has weaknesses which he does not effectively address. Personal view. In my opinion, free markets do not lead to serious political, social, or environmental problems as explained by some philosophers. This is because free markets are the most effective and natural means in which prices should be set to ensure effectiveness. On the contrary, a wrong approach of interference by the government may lead to serious political, social, or environmental problems as was seen in the Great Depression. The current financial crisis which began in the United States can also be said to have been accelerated by the government failure to limit the borrowings by investors and excess lending by financial institutions using predatory lending practices. This is a similar problem which led to the great depressions, and the government interference is seen to have led to adverse effects rather than positive effects on the economy. However, in extreme cases of economic problems, the government should intervene. This should only be done to save the economy in cases where the market forces are clearly unable to rectify the situation. For instance, the current financial crisis facing the world requires the government’s intervention. This does not mean that the government supports the regulation of markets since in the absence of economic crises, the market forces would usually be used to set the product prices. My major reasons for supporting free markets is that regulated markets usually discourage investments, especially if the regulations are too strict. Investors prefer investing in countries where there is free trade since they can predict their future earnings or returns on investment, due to the absence of external factors in the business environment. Regulated markets may also adversely affect the economy especially if the policies which are applied are retrogressive. Summary and conclusion. It is evident that the three philosophers made major contributions to the modern world. Their theories are still in use several years after some of them passed away. However, it is important to note that their arguments relating to free trade are inconclusive since some of the facts which they used to support their arguments have changed. It is also important to note that none of them has a wrong view, it is only that they looked at free trade from different perspectives. The contributions which each of them has made to society should be appreciated since they all talked about various issues affecting the society, and not just free trade. It is important that other scholars improve on the theories which were advanced by Adam smith, Karl Marx and Milton Friedman. This will reflect the market environment as it is today, and the arguments developed can be used to improve the policies in the current business environment. Works cited. Amadae Samuel. Rationalizing capitalist democracy: the Cold War origins of rational choice liberalism.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003, p255-261. Gagnier Regenia. The insatiability of human wants: economics and aesthetics in market society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000, p25-35. Machaj Mateusz. Friedman for government intervention: the case of the great depression. Mises Daily. Retrieved on March 18, 2009 from . Sunderlin, William D. Ideology, social theory, and the environment. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, p23-33.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Comparative Analysis Of Online News Articles Media Essay

A Comparative Analysis Of Online News Articles Media Essay In European Union citizens are expected to take responsibility and actions to limit the threat of climate change as well as authorities or corporations. However, while only 36 percent of citizens in Lithuanian take personal action, 75 percent of British do. In light of framing as media effects theory media coverage can be considered as an explanation for different levels of personal contribution. Based on the latter assumption the online news content in Lithuania and the United Kingdom was investigated in terms of attribution of responsibility to citizens, authorities and industry/corporations. The findings showed that the use of the same frames varies by country and political preferences of media. However, the findings were not explicit enough to prove the one directional relationship between media content and individual level behavior, where media is perceived as having power upon individuals. Contrary, the results showed that social problems guide thematic choices of editorials a nd therefore individuals have impact on media. As a result, findings raised concerns that the notion of framing as an interactive process would more relevant than the assumption of framing as linear process. Introduction Today climate change is on political, media and individual agendas all across Europe. Political and legislative efforts prove that climate change mitigation is a priority for the European Union. Furthermore, citizens are expected to take responsibility and actions to limit the threat as well. Supranational survey Eurobarometer shows, 63 percent of Europeans say they have taken personal actions to combat climate change (European Commission, 2009). However, the EU as a body of 27 Member States is more diverse than one seeing aggregate level figures could think. For instance, while only 36 percent of citizens in Lithuanian take personal action, 75 percent of British do (European Commission, 2009). The topic of climate change not only has its thematic relevance, but as well scientific. In light of framing theory media coverage can be considered as an explanation for different levels of personal contribution to climate change mitigation among Lithuanians and British. To assess the influence of media portrayals of climate change on individuals, two research questions are developed: RQ1. To what extent do media frame climate change in terms of attribution of responsibility to industry and corporations, international and national authorities, and citizens themselves? RQ2. Does the attribution of responsibility to particular actor vary by country: the United Kingdom and Lithuania? To be more specific, I expect to find that Lithuanian media attribute responsibility to citizens more seldom compare to British media. Moreover, in media coverage in Lithuania attribution of responsibility to citizens should be less visible than attribution of responsibility to authorities or industry. Contrary, in British media attribution of responsibility to citizens shoul d more or equally visible compare to authorities and industry. The next chapter will provide theoretical framework on which the paper rests. It will be followed by the sections of method, results and discussion. Literature review Within the realm of social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science and political communication, studies of framing are common. In a way it explains why framing as a concept is rather â€Å"scattered†, as Entman once referred to it (Entman, 1993, p. 51). However, scientists of different disciplines share the perception that â€Å"the function of a frame is to help people organise the complexity of the world into meaningful categories† (Nickels, 2005, p. 21).

Rousseau, Marx, and the Critique of Classical Liberalism Essay

Rousseau, Marx, and the Critique of Classical Liberalism - Essay Example This name reflects the fact that it comes from the integrity of the people (nation, class), the presence of single will before the act of its public expression, and identity of the will and actions of the authorities. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx are the most prominent representatives of this theory of democracy. Rousseau’s Political Philosophy Idealizing the natural state, a kind of â€Å"golden age,† Rousseau believed that the civil state must guarantee the recovery of natural equality of man in the form established by the contract freedoms. Rousseau is considered the father of the classical theory of democracy, since he introduced the idea of popular sovereignty. By creating a state, people do not put themselves under the authority of the sovereign, but become the bearers of the supreme power. Considering the sovereignty of the people as indivisible, he opposed the division of sovereignty between any of the bodies. The legislature cannot be transferred to parl iament, and must be carried out directly by the people. All laws are created by the common will of the people. Rousseau’s criticism of liberalism manifested itself most profoundly in the interpretation of the equality problem. Rousseau distinguishes between legal equality—or formal equality—and de facto equality. ... And it would be unfair, according to ideologues of liberalism, if a fool and a wise man were equal. Rousseau, for all his â€Å"naturalism†, argues differently. By nature, he says, all people are equal. This does not mean that the strong and the weak are equal in strength. In physical strength they are not equal. But they are equal in the right to live. And if this equality is recognized, the strong will help the weak to survive. And then the weak will feel equally strong. But the strong can hurt the weak. And he can take advantage of the weakness of another person in order to subjugate him, to make him work in order to get rich, etc. Similarly, a stupid person can be treated in different ways: one can sympathize with his stupidity, but one can take advantage of his stupidity to deceive him for one’s own selfish purposes. According to Rousseau, natural inequality is compounded by the inequality in the social conditions of life. And the actual inequality of men is manife sted primarily in the inequality of social conditions. That is why humanism in modern society should create equal conditions for healthy people and the most hopeless people with disabilities. Though it could be possible, with reference to their â€Å"inferiority†, simply to reject physically defective people, or enclose them in special reservations. Modern society has become so rich that it can afford to be humane. At the time of Rousseau, it was not so rich. Rousseau proclaimed the need for the actual equality of all people in the society, which was still very far from the economic state when equality could be achieved. Rousseau can be accused of utopianism. But without such utopians

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What Make You Change Your Life Direction My Way Of Developement Essay

What Make You Change Your Life Direction My Way Of Developement - Essay Example It is irrefutable that our actions and decisions are largely influenced by our passions and motivations which, in turn, are developed through our experience. At one point in my life, I have seen how certain circumstances significantly shape my viewpoint and interest. I have learned that external factors do not necessarily change me but only reveals a part of me which I was never aware before. As a young child, I have always been interested in extending my knowledge and skills to other people through teaching. Recognizing that the new era emphasizes the integration of nations into a single global village with English as the primary language, I have been instilled with the determination and courage to cross the cultural and geographical barrier in order to pursue a TEFL (Teach English as Foreign Language) certification in the United States via the UCI Extension Program. I have originally planned to use the knowledge that I have acquired from the program in South Korea and this means establishing my own language institute. Thus, after getting a TEFL certificate in the summer of 2004, I also enrolled in Business Administration certificate program in order to furnish me with the skills necessary in running a business organization. After the program, I am blessed enough to be granted an internship at Merill-Lynch and this experience does not only enable me apply the theories an d knowledge I have gained from my business administration program in the real world but has become the major turning point of my life. My experience at Merill-Lynch has exposed me to finance and management, two disciplines where I have inclinations with. My rationale in taking the internship is to gain a deeper understanding of investment. I am particularly interested on how different investments generate returns to their investors. As an intern, I have been given the responsibility of updating and organizing earnings estimate data. Aside from providing me with knowledge about investment, this task has also exposed me to the intricate and complicated relationship between the different factors in the economy. My internship with Merill-Lynch has bestowed me a fascination of economics as well as its interrelation with the business arena. It is often incomprehensible how a single factor like the interest rate can bring huge repercussions in the whole economy, and how business organizations formulate their responses taking into account these developments. My internship has confirmed my innate passion and inclination on business and economics. My colleagues have been amazed by my unusual aptitude in these disciplines given the limited education and experience I have in these fields. My internship at Merill-Lynch has motivated me to further enhance my strength and competencies in the fields of economics and business management. I strongly feel that my career goal will be centered in creating a career path within these disciplines. After my internship, I have enrolled in microeconomics and macroeconomic classes. I also hope to gain a deeper understanding about international economics and trade considering the rapid elimination of trade borders among economies through the establishment of trade unions and free trade zones. I believe that our directions, illustrated by Newton's first law of motion, are truly the products and by-products of various external forces. However, I also believe that these external forces will only change our paths but will fail to completely change our interests. In my experience, external forces enable me to recognize and develop the strengths and skills which I fail to enhance. My passion for teaching has never wavered and I still want to extend the knowledge and skills that I have. However, I am also very passionate about reaching my full potential

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Write an essay by solving the last three question

Write an by solving the last three question - Essay Example found that Wonderful Stores (WS) committed breach of contract when it cancelled its advertised â€Å"Wonderful January sale Bargains Galore; Rolex Watches  £80†¦Ã¢â‚¬  thus to settle the issue, the following questions must be resolved on appeal: (1) whether the advertisement was an invitation to treat and not an offer; (2) assuming that it was an offer, it was a bilateral offer and not a unilateral offer; (3) assuming further that it was a unilateral offer, no obligation arise as Simon has not accepted the offer at the time it was revoked on Saturday evening’s advertisement. Would the appeal of WS prosper? The appeal will not prosper. Advertisements are legitimate business strategies implemented by sellers to induce buyers to patronize its products however advertisements are mere invitations to treat. To ripen into a contract, bids must first be made to commence negotiation then the seller will consider the bid and thereafter accept it if deemed appropriate. Thus, the stages to constitute a valid contract must be complied with—initial offer, negotiation and acceptance. The indication of a price tag in an advertisement or even put on display on the shop window is of no moment. It does not qualify as a valid offer of sale but simply an invitation to treat which is not demandable until an offer was accepted. This is anchored on the fact that the store that advertised the product may not have sufficient inventory to sell to all those who would want to procure or avail of the products. In the case of WS, it stated in its advertisement that sale shall be made on a â€Å"first come, first served† basis thus the eventuality that it would run out of inventory is not present. The consumers are put on notice that the products are limited thus those interested to buy were encouraged to fall in line—sale would be made until supply last. WS has made an offer thereby creating a valid and enforceable contract. Therefore WS is obliged to sell to those who have complied with the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical Dilemmas - Assignment Example Due to her experience and her reputation on evaluation, Fiona is the best person to deal with the case as she will combine her prowess with the interests of her department and come up with a sound decision. Ethical behavior is not so much a matter of following principles as of balancing competing principles (Stake & Mabry, 1998). I would ensure that ethical values are observed and that they are balanced with the commissioner’s goals. I would critically assess the Human services program, how funds are used, whether there are areas where funds were wasted and if some projects are not benefitting the program. I would then moderate the usage of funds in the projects, ensure that all the resources are used effectively, and get rid of projects that are not important to the program. As a result, I would have cut back on the meaningless projects, retained useful projects, and ensured that there was effective use of resources. Fiona’s benefits after the evaluation process include job security during the commissioner’s period in office. There may also be other advantages such as salary increments and more jobs from the commissioner’s office. She will also able to make decisions based on her principles and the needs of the branch even if she is expected to cut back on the budget eventually. The implications include judgment from her team who may think that she is being influenced when making decisions. They may not trust her decisions in future. She will also start questioning her principles and wondering if she made the right decision. The agency shall benefit because its most urgent needs shall be met during the budget cuts. However, program cuts may lead to the loss of jobs because it may get rid of some projects that would have been important to the program in the long

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aerobic Cellular Respiration in Isolated Mitochondria of Lima Bean Lab Report

Aerobic Cellular Respiration in Isolated Mitochondria of Lima Bean Seeds - Lab Report Example During aerobic respiration, oxygen in the air is used as the final electron receptor which subsequently gets reduced to water. Energy is generated during this process in the form of a high energy molecule, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This is a complex process involving a series of reactions that use many chemicals and enzymes. Glucose is the most preferred source for cellular respiration and as reported by Rich (2003), it release high energy (29-30 ATP molecules per glucose molecule) during aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration consists of 3 major steps as glycolysis, Krebs cycle (Citric acid cycle) and electron transport chain. During glycolysis, pyruvate is produced by glucose which is converted to a 2C molecule, acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA combines with the 4C oxaloacetate (last product of the previous Krebs cycle) to produce citrate which is a very high energy source. During the Krebs cycle, citrate is consumed in an 8-step process to release this energy (electrons). Here, the co enzymes FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) and NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) gets reduced to produce a small quantity of carbon dioxide and ATP. Therefore, hydrogen electrons coming from glucose will reduce FAD and NAD+ to FADH2 and NADH + H+ respectively. These electrons then enter the electron transport chain to get oxidized and produce ATP. ... This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme succinic dehydrogenase using FAD as co-enzyme. In this reaction, 2 hydrogen atoms are removed from succinate and transfer to FAD thereby reducing it to FADH2. DPIP (2, 6-dichloro-phenol-indophenol) blue dye can act as a hydrogen molecule acceptor instead of FAD during this reaction. When DPIP receive hydrogen from succinate, blue color get decolorized. Thus the DPIP color change from blue to colorless is an indication of the level of enzyme activity in the mitochondria which can be measured and recorded with a spectrophotometer. The Krebs cycle is influenced by competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors. Competitive inhibitors compete with the substrate to bind to the active site of the enzyme and this can be overcome by providing more quantity of substrate molecules. Conversely, noncompetitive inhibitors such as metal ions (copper, Cu2+ and mercury, Hg2+) will deactivate the enzyme thereby making it impossible to return back to the reaction. T herefore, the reaction cannot be reactivated by incorporation of more substrate. In the succinate-to-fumarate reaction of the Krebs cycle, Malonate act as a competitive inhibitor on succinate molecule. Molecule shape of malonate is similar to succinate molecule and thus it obstructs the conversion reaction of succinate to fumarate by binding to active site of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase. However, as described in Zeevalk, Derr-Yellin and Nicklas (1995) it will not react further and result in the termination of the reaction. Therefore FAD will not reduce to FADH2 and fumarate will not be produced, thus arresting the Krebs cycle. As malonate is a competitive inhibitor, the reaction can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Essay on TV shows Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research on TV shows - Essay Example During 1999-2000, reality shows such as Big Brother and Survivor were a boom in the silver screen. Watching real people competing with each other or struggling against a personal battle can be great entertainment as well as inspire and motivate viewers. Makeover programs are a significant sub category of reality television where home, garden, behaviour, appearance, wardrobes are drastically transformed to meet certain standards. There is a wide range of makeover programs such as Swan, Queer eye for the straight guy, How to look good naked, Amazing Race, etc. that project peoples personal struggles with relationships, career, sports, fear, weight and physical appearance. Similarly, home improvement makeover programs such as BBC’s Divine Designs or ABC’s most popular Extreme makeover: home edition are some of the most popular programs highlighting home improvement struggles. TV ratings have proved that people love watching makeovers or transformations undergo in the matter of an hour (reality-TV. find the best). To viewers at home anything seems possible when they watch ordinary people achieve their goals. On the flip side, beauty makeover programs have also created a culture where beauty is seen as a commodity ,that ca n be bought and sold, and that a perfect physical appearance is important for self-confidence, happiness and sense of belonging. This paper will delve into two of the most important makeover shows in the history of television – ABC’s Extreme Makeover and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Differences and similarities based on identity, appearance and transformation will be discussed in details. ABC’s Extreme Makeover series, first started airing in November of 2002, offers both female and male contestants a complete physical transformation that centers on thousands of dollars’ worth of cosmetic surgery. (Davis,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is It Convincing to Propose That Matter Can Have Agency Research Paper

Is It Convincing to Propose That Matter Can Have Agency - Research Paper Example There are also scholars who argue that matter does not have agency. They say that it is individuals and societies who tend to ascribe some kind of agency to matter, but that is limited to continuums of time and space. The substance of this paper is to examine in depth the assertion in Sociology that matter has agency or a life of its own so to speak. This is understood in the context that human beings tend to attribute life-like characteristics to inanimate objects which give them conventionally accepted life and functional forms that they did not have initially. This paper delves into the extent of truth about this assertion that matter does have agency. Meaning of Matter in Social Life Human beings is essentially social beings. They do not exist on their own even if they do make individual decisions at times. In order to augment their existence, they inevitably use matter. Take the cross for example; in Christian ideology, the cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Roman authorities in order to enable the salvation of mankind from sin. However, in a much wider sense, the presence of the cross on a building has become an insignia of Christianity as a religion (Christiano, 2008, 228). Another much-explored meaning of matter in sociology is on the question of security. The passport is considered an important document of identification in international travel. Once a passport is handed over at an airport, there are coded messages in it in the form of barcodes which can be read by a computer to establish identity. Moreover, there is an attached photograph and writings which identify the holder. A lot of communication takes place between the passport and the security agent examining without any input from the passport holder. As such the passport is capable to communicate on its own just as if it were a person (Carter, Simon, 2008, 8). These examples are seen as giving the cross and passport a life of their own independent of the people immediately using them. Since they both play an important role in social life; the cross being an agent of Christian identity and belief and the passport being an agent of individual identity and right of getting through a checkpoint; they are both seen as having agency (Carter, Simon, 2008, 8). An important factor to consider in analyzing this role of matter as having agency is the issue of individuality. An individual is a constant factor of sociological analysis. Though there is raging controversy on whether an individual is the basic unit of sociological analysis or there is no such thing as an individual outside the social setting; the bottom line is that any society is made up of individuals. Certain circumstances, like moving through customs, force persons to present themselves as individuals even if they are in a family group. Individuality is, therefore, an inevitable aspect of human existence and identity (Carter, Simon, 2008, 9-10). The passport helps in identifying the human person as an individual. At an airport, even in a family group, an individual has to produce his own passport which identifies him only and not as part of the larger group. Yet the individual is shaped by society and in sociology is therefore seen as part of the larger social group. To sociologists, therefore, the individual is always seen as part and parcel of the society that shapes his character and world view.

Home Care Providers Essay Example for Free

Home Care Providers Essay According to Guberman, (1999) the word ‘Home care’ is also known as domiciliary care which refer to health care provided to the patients at home by either health care professional which a times referred to as formal care which in united states they are called skilled care or by family and friends also called caregivers, primary caregiver or voluntary caregivers who give informal care.   The term homecare is used to differentiate it from non-medical care or custodial care which is care provided by persons who are not nurses, doctors or other licensed medical personnel. Direct healthcare providers in homecare Professional healthcares which include: Physicians,   Registered nurses and   licensed practical nurses, Physical therapist. Paraprofessionals which include: Social workers, Speech language pathologist, Occupational therapists (OTs),   Dietitians Home health aides Volunteers which include; Homemaker and chore workers. Companions   According to Williams et al, (2000) the Services provided by health cares are discussed below; Physicians Physicians visit patients in their homes to diagnose and treat illnesses just as they do in hospitals and private offices. They also work with home care providers to determine which services are needed by patients, which specialists are most suitable to render these services, and how often these services need to be provided. With this information, physicians prescribe and oversee patient plans of care.   Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses Registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) provide skilled services that cannot be performed safely and effectively by nonprofessional personnel. Some of these services include injections and intravenous therapy, wound care, education on disease treatment and prevention, and patient assessments.   Ã‚  Registered nurses may also provide case management services. The registered nurses are given specialized education and are licensed to practice once qualified. On the other hand the licensed practical nurses are given specialized training for a given period of time and are licensed to work under the supervision of registered nurses. The intricacy of a patients medical condition and required course of treatment determine whether care should be provided by a registered nurse or can be provided by a licensed practical nurse.   Physical therapist Physical therapists work to restore the mobility and strength of patients who are limited or disabled by physical injuries through the use of exercise, massage, and other methods. They often alleviate pain and restore injured muscles with specialized equipment. They also teach patients and caregivers special techniques for walking and transfer. Social workers Social workers evaluate the social and emotional factors affecting ill and disabled individuals and provide counseling. They also help patients and their family members identify available community resources. Social workers often serve as case managers when patients conditions are so complex that professionals need to assess medical and supportive needs and coordinate a variety of services. Speech language pathologists They work to develop and restore the speech of individuals with communication disorders; usually these disorders are the result of traumas such as surgery or stroke. Speech therapists also help retrain patients in breathing, swallowing, and muscle control. Occupational therapists (OTs)   They help individuals who have physical, developmental, social, or emotional problems that prevent them from performing the general activities of daily living (ADLs). OTs instruct patients on using specialized rehabilitation techniques and equipment to improve their function in tasks such as eating, bathing, dressing, and basic household routines. Dietitians Dietitians provide counseling services to individuals who need professional dietary assessment and guidance to properly manage an illness or disability. Home health aides Home health aides assist patients with activities of daily living such as getting in and out of bed, walking, bathing, toileting, and dressing. Some aides have received special training and are qualified to provide more complex services under the supervision of a nursing professional.   Homemaker and chore workers   They perform light household duties such as laundry, meal preparation, general housekeeping, and shopping. Their services are directed at maintaining patient households rather than providing hands-on assistance with personal care. Companions   They provide companionship and comfort to individuals who, for medical and/or safety reasons, may not be left at home alone. Some companions may assist clients with household tasks, but most are limited to providing sitter services.   Generally this group of volunteers meets a variety of patient needs. The scope of a volunteers services depends on his or her level of training and experience. Volunteer activities include, but are not limited to providing companionship, emotional support, and counseling and helping with personal care, paperwork, and transportation. Effects of indirect staffing in homecare The presence of indirect staff has some positive and negative effects on the patients. Most of these problems are social problems which in turn affect the psychological functioning of the patience. Some of these effects include: Increased emotional effects Increased social problems Decreased food intake. Increased unnecessary counseling. Decreased food intake as a result of emotional effects   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Decreased food intake is an important risk factor for malnutrition, which is highly prevalent among geriatric patients. The emotional nature of the home care experience and the complex organizational setting involved in meal production and delivery services in the home increase the risk for decreased food intake. Everyday emotions are known to have a particularly strong influence on decision-making and behavior in the patience, and have also been shown to influence food intake and its psychological antecedents, such as quality perception and satisfaction judgments.   The direct effect of emotional factor on food is reduced food uptake by the patience while the indirect effects are mediated by the food quality perception on and satisfaction judgment. Quality foods increases appetite hence increased food uptake by the patient†, (Paquet et al, 2003) Reference Guberman, Nancy, (1999); â€Å"Caregivers and Caregiving†: New trends and their implication for policy, British biomedical journal, vol 2. Paquet, C, St-Armaud_mckenzie, D and Honald Jeff, (2003); â€Å"Direct and indirect effects of everyday Emotions on food uptake of elderly patients in institutions†. A Biological Science Journal, vol. 11. William, A,P.S Wagner, M. Buetther, C. Charlebolis ,K. Foster, B. Gustafson, D. Harf, and E. Jamison, (2000);â€Å"Women’s formal home care work in transition†: The impact of reform on labour process change, Biomedical journal,vol.3.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Canada, America, and the Post Industrial Society Essay Example for Free

Canada, America, and the Post Industrial Society Essay The United States of America is one of the global powers. On the other hand, Canada, which is close to America, is also a large country that has a big economy. There are similarities and differences between the two countries. Some of the similarities are language spoken, religion, literacy, GDP growth per decade, and land area. Major languages spoken in both countries are mainly English, Spanish, and French. Major religions in both countries are Protestant and Catholic. Both countries also have the same literacy rate of 99% and the same gross domestic product or GDP growth rate per decade of 10%. Also, the land area of the two countries does not differ that much. Nevertheless, in terms of total area, Canada is bigger than the U. S. Canada has a total area of 9,984,670 square kilometers or 3,855,103 square miles while America has a total area of 9,826,630 square kilometers or 3,794,083 square miles. Canada is bigger than America by 1. 6% of its total area or about 158,040 square kilometers or 61,020 square miles (United North America). On the other hand, some of these differences include total area, population, GDP, unemployment rate, and life expectancy. With a population of 301,139,947 which is 9 times the population of Canada, America has a great advantage over Canada with a population of only 33,390,141. Another difference between both countries is GDP. The GDP of America is relatively higher than that of Canada. The GDP of America is US$ 13. 458 trillion, which is 11 times the GDP of Canada, compared to US$ 1. 287 trillion GDP of Canada. There is also a disparity in the unemployment rate of both countries. The unemployment rate in America is 5. 1%, which is lower compared to 6. 8% of Canada. Life expectancy in the U. S. is also lower compared to Canada. Americans can live up to 78 years while Canadians can live up to 80 years (United North America). The Features of Post Industrial Society Knowledge is a very important factor in our society today. In a post industrial society, everyone relies on information. Hence, exchange of information is highly regarded in a post industrial society. Information is gathered with the use of various data processors, record keeping, market research, etc. As to its economic sectors, the post industrial society is dominated by the tertiary sector, otherwise known as the services sector. Thus, the job opportunities mostly include jobs that offer services. Examples of these jobs are train services and computer services, among others. In a post industrial society, productivity can be seen through the primary sector and the secondary sector because of the contributions of the tertiary sector due to the transition from goods production to provision of services, one of this society’s most important features (Gershuny 1-10). Another significant feature of the post industrial era is that the importance of â€Å"blue collar† comes to dominate the economic world.Knowledge as said earlier is also an important aspect of this society. especially theoretical knowledge (Ritzer 9). Works Cited Gershuny, J. â€Å"What do we do in Post-industrial Society? † University of California, Los Angeles. April 2004. 04 November 2008 http://international. ucla. edu/media/files/LAwhatdo. pdf. Ritzer, G. The Blackwell Companion to Major Contemporary Social Theorists. Maldem, Mass. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. United North America. Similarities Differences Between Canada United States. 1 January 2007. 04 November 2008 http://www. u

Sunday, July 21, 2019

India One Of The Most Richest Civilizations History Essay

India One Of The Most Richest Civilizations History Essay India is home to one of the richest and the most ancient civilizations in the world, which existed over 5,000 years ago. This civilization originated in the Indus River Valley, hence the name given to it was Indus Valley civilization. It is the origin of many of the ideas, philosophies and movements which have shaped the destiny of mankind. The civilization with its main cities Mohenjadaro and Harappa flourished for over eight centuries. Its people thought to be Dravidians, whose descendants still inhabit the far south of India. The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Homo sapiens as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago. The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE, was the first major civilization in India. A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture developed in the Mature Harappan period, from 2600 to 1900 BCE. This Bronze Age civilization collapsed before the end of the second millennium BCE and was followed by the Iron Age Vedic Civilization, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plain and which witnessed the rise of major polities known as the Mahajanapadas. In one of these kingdoms, Magadha, Mahavira and Gautama Buddha were born in the 6th or 5th century BCE and propagated their ņºramanic philosophies. Almost all of the subcontinent was conquered by the Maurya Empire during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. It subsequently became fragmented, with various parts ruled by numerous Middle kingdoms for the next 1,500 years. This is known as the classical period of Indian history, during which India has sometimes been estimated to have had the largest economy of the ancient and medieval world, controlling between one third and one fourth of the worlds wealth up to the 18th century. Much of northern and central India was once again united in the 4th century CE, and remained so for two centuries thereafter, under the Gupta Empire. This period, witnessing a Hindu religious and intellectual resurgence, is known among its admirers as the Golden Age of India. During the same time, and for several centuries afterwards, southern India, under the rule of the Chalukyas, Cholas, Pallavas, and Pandyas, experienced its own golden age. During this period, aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture, and religion (Hinduism and Buddhism) spread to much of Asia. The southern state of Kerala had maritime business links with the Roman Empire from around 77 CE. Islam was introduced in Kerala through this route by Muslim traders. Muslim rule in the subcontinent began in 712 CE when the Arab general Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sindh and Multan in southern Punjab,setting the stage for several successive invasions from Central Asia between the 10th and 15th centuries CE, leading to the formation of Muslim empires in the Indian subcontinent such as the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire. Mughal rule came to cover most of the northern parts of the subcontinent. Mughal rulers introduced Middle Eastern art and architecture to India. In addition to the Mughals and various Rajput kingdoms, several independent Hindu states, such as the Vijayanagara Empire, the Maratha Empire, and the Ahom Kingdom, flourished contemporaneously in southern, western, and northeastern India respectively. The Mughal Empire suffered a gradual decline in the early 18th century, which provided opportunities for the Afghans, Balochis, Sikhs, and Marathas to exercise control over large areas in the northwest of the subcontinent until the British East India Company gained ascendancy over South Asia. Beginning in the mid-18th century and over the next century, India was gradually annexed by the British East India Company. Dissatisfaction with Company rule led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, after which India was directly administered by the British Crown and witnessed a period of both rapid development of infrastructure and economic decline. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched by the Indian National Congress and later joined by the Muslim League. The subcontinent gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, after being partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan. WHAT ARE THE ARTIFACTS ? An artifact or artefact is any object made or modified by a human. Artifact is the usual spelling in the US and Canada, artefact in the UK and Australasia (see spelling differences). In archaeology, where the term is most commonly used, an artifact is an object recovered by some archaeological endeavor, which may have a cultural interest. Examples include stone tools such as projectile points, pottery vessels, metal objects such as guns, and items of personal adornment such as buttons, jewellery and clothing. Other examples include bone that show signs of human modification, fire cracked rocks from a hearth or plant material used for food. Imported Mycenaean stirrup vase found in the acropolis of Ras Shamra (Ugarit), 1400-1300 BC Artifacts can come from any archaeological context or source such as: Buried along with a body (grave goods). From any feature such as a midden or other domestic setting Hoards Votive offerings Artifacts are distinguished from the main body of the archaeological record such as stratigraphic features, which are non-portable remains of human activity, such as hearths, roads, or deposits and remains, and from biofacts or ecofacts, which are objects of archaeological interest made by other organisms, such as seeds or animal bone. Natural objects which have been moved but not changed by humans are called manuports. Examples would include seashells moved inland or rounded pebbles placed away from the water action that would have fashioned them. These distinctions are often blurred: for instance, a bone removed from an animal carcass is a biofact, but a bone carved into a useful implement is an artifact. Similarly there can be debate over early stone objects which may be crude artifacts or which may be naturally occurring phenomena that only appear to have been used by humans. Head of the Buddha, Gandhara style, Stucco, 5th Century Around five thousand years ago, an important civilization developed on the Indus River floodplain. From about 2600 B.C. to 1700 B.C. a vast number of settlements were built on the banks of the Indus River and surrounding areas. These settlements cover a remarkable region, almost 1.25 million kilometers of land which is today part of Afghanistan, Pakistan and north-western India. The cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were well-organized Pot shards from Harappa and solidly built out of brick and stone. Their drainage systems, wells and water storage systems were the most sophisticated in the ancient world. They also developed systems of weights and trade. They made jewelery and game pieces and toys for their children. From looking at the structures and objects which survive we are able to learn about the people who lived and worked in these cities so long ago. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also developed a writing system which was used for several hundred years. How ever, unlike some other ancient civilizations, we are still unable to read the words that they wrote. The excavations at Mohenjo-daro Mohenjo-Daro (English: Mound of the dead) was a city of the Indus Valley Civilization built around 2600 BC and is located in the Sindh Province of Pakistan. This ancient five thousand year old city is the largest of Indus Valley and is widely recognized as one of the most important early cities of South Asia and the Indus Valley Civilization. Mohenjo Daro was one of the worlds first cities and contemporaneous with ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. It is sometimes referred to as An Ancient Indus Valley Metropolis. Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and their civilization, vanished without trace from history until discovered in the 1920s. It was extensively excavated in the 1920s, but no in-depth excavations have been carried out since the 1960s. The excavations at Mohenjo-Daro Mohenjo-Daro is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The most extensive recent work at the site has focused on attempts at conservation of the standing structures, undertaken by UNESCO in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology and Museums, as well as various foreign consultants. In December 1996, preservation work at the 500-acre site suspended after funding from the government and international organizations ran out, according to a resident archaeologist. However in April 1997, the UN Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) funded $10 million to a project to be conducted over two decades in order to protect the Mohenjo-daro ruins from flooding. This project has been a success so far. UNESCOs efforts to save Mohenjo-daro was one of the key events that led the organization to establish World Heritage Sites CONCLUSION: India is home to one of the richest and the most ancient civilizations in the world, which existed over 5,000 years ago. This civilization originated in the Indus River Valley, hence the name given to it was Indus Valley civilization. It was the origin of many of the ideas, philosophies and movements which have shaped the destiny of mankind. Its people are thought to be Dravidians, whose descendants still inhabit the far south of India. Above articles shows that the real picture of indian culture and its value. Artifacts and indian texts like (MAHABAHARTA, RAMANYANA etc) shows the indian culture and society in the ancient time.we can easily find out our indian history with the help of artifacts and indian text. Many historians had found the history of taj mahal or all other monuments with help of artifacts or as well as texts , it also found that how many years ago can monuments was built? What was the structures? Artifacts are mainly as simple indicators to give us the knowledge about past. Jewelry  is an important part of Indian culture and these artifacts are insightful into the lives of the previous owners. For example, it is known in part through jewelry that before European settlement it was not uncommon for Native tribes to trade amongst themselves as the materials used in the jewelry are interchangeable. Not only were the materials such as beads, shells, copper, silver, ivory, amber, and  turquoise  traded but it is also likely that  designs  and patterns were intermingled due to similarities in the pieces. Jewelry artifacts from Indians were typically either metalwork or beadwork. The styles were often constructed by hammering and etching to create  pendants  as well as stitching countless beads together. It is also of interest that these artifacts were not only used for decoration but may also have served religious purposes. According to my analysis , Indian artifacts are responsible our indian ancient culture.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Macbeth Descent into Madness in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- essays

Macbeth’s Descent Into Madness In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the character Macbeth descends into madness. Macbeth’s descent into madness first started with the witch’s prediction. If he had never met the witches none of this trouble would have occurred. Macbeth is seen as a â€Å"valiant cousin, worthy gentleman† (I, ii, 24). He is a brave warrior who is well respected in his community, until the witches prophesied to him that he would one day be king (I, iii, 50). Macbeth interprets that he must act to fulfill the prophecy. He sends a letter to lady Macbeth asking what to do. She suggests that he should kill Duncan. Macbeth follows the plan and kills Duncan (II, ii, 15). Directly following the murder Macbeth can no longer say amen (II, iii, 31-33). Macbeth also hears a voice in his head say, â€Å"sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†(II, ii, 35, 36). For the rest of the play Macbeth suffers from insomnia. When Macbeth pretends to be surprised by Duncan’s death he says, â€Å" Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time, for, from this instant, there’s nothing serious in mortality. (II, iii, 92-95) he is saying that if he had died before he murdered Duncan he would have li ved a great life, but now that he’s committed murder, life is just a game and nothing is important anymore. These are suicidal thoughts and show how his grip on reality has greatly slipped. Macbeth shows signs of serious mental deterioration when he sees a dagger appear before him, but doesn’t understand if it’s real or not (II, i, 35-40), later on in his speech he says his other senses made his eyes look foolish or they are the only trustworthy senses (II, I, 44-46) Macbeth shows more signs of descent when he says Duncan is luc... ...herself, Seyton delivers the news to Macbeth. Macbeth is very calm when he hears the news and doesn’t seem to mind. Macbeth says that she would have died sooner or later (V, v, 17-23) After Macbeth hears that Birnam wood is moving towards him, he wants to go out fighting. He attacks and kills Young Siward in a desperate attempt to save him from the fate the witches predicted (V, vii, 11-12). He also orders all his soldiers to attack the wood (macduff’s soldiers, V, vii, 46-53) and he fights Macduff but Macduff says he was born by a c-section and not by a woman (V, vii, 41-45) Macbeth fights to the death but is beheaded by Macduff as the witches said he would. (V, vii, 82-83) In conclusion, through my quotations and explanations I have shown Macbeth’s descent into madness. It was his guilt and ambition overall that sent him in a downward spiral into madness. Macbeth Descent into Madness in Shakespeare's Macbeth Essay -- essays Macbeth’s Descent Into Madness In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the character Macbeth descends into madness. Macbeth’s descent into madness first started with the witch’s prediction. If he had never met the witches none of this trouble would have occurred. Macbeth is seen as a â€Å"valiant cousin, worthy gentleman† (I, ii, 24). He is a brave warrior who is well respected in his community, until the witches prophesied to him that he would one day be king (I, iii, 50). Macbeth interprets that he must act to fulfill the prophecy. He sends a letter to lady Macbeth asking what to do. She suggests that he should kill Duncan. Macbeth follows the plan and kills Duncan (II, ii, 15). Directly following the murder Macbeth can no longer say amen (II, iii, 31-33). Macbeth also hears a voice in his head say, â€Å"sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†(II, ii, 35, 36). For the rest of the play Macbeth suffers from insomnia. When Macbeth pretends to be surprised by Duncan’s death he says, â€Å" Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time, for, from this instant, there’s nothing serious in mortality. (II, iii, 92-95) he is saying that if he had died before he murdered Duncan he would have li ved a great life, but now that he’s committed murder, life is just a game and nothing is important anymore. These are suicidal thoughts and show how his grip on reality has greatly slipped. Macbeth shows signs of serious mental deterioration when he sees a dagger appear before him, but doesn’t understand if it’s real or not (II, i, 35-40), later on in his speech he says his other senses made his eyes look foolish or they are the only trustworthy senses (II, I, 44-46) Macbeth shows more signs of descent when he says Duncan is luc... ...herself, Seyton delivers the news to Macbeth. Macbeth is very calm when he hears the news and doesn’t seem to mind. Macbeth says that she would have died sooner or later (V, v, 17-23) After Macbeth hears that Birnam wood is moving towards him, he wants to go out fighting. He attacks and kills Young Siward in a desperate attempt to save him from the fate the witches predicted (V, vii, 11-12). He also orders all his soldiers to attack the wood (macduff’s soldiers, V, vii, 46-53) and he fights Macduff but Macduff says he was born by a c-section and not by a woman (V, vii, 41-45) Macbeth fights to the death but is beheaded by Macduff as the witches said he would. (V, vii, 82-83) In conclusion, through my quotations and explanations I have shown Macbeth’s descent into madness. It was his guilt and ambition overall that sent him in a downward spiral into madness.

Batman: Through the Years Essays -- Media Fiction Super Heroes Papers

Batman: Through the Years The Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne, these are all aliases for an enigmatic character in popular culture most commonly known as Batman. While having his humble origins in the pulp magazines of the late 1930’s, over the span of his existence, he has expanded into a full-blown franchise. There have been 3 TV shows on him, 4 movies (1 more still in the making), various videogames, and over 20 comic book series that currently feature his name. Even after 60 years of being in print, it was a Batman issue that was the highest selling comic book of the last week of November, 2004. It is the aim of this project to explore the reasons why this one particular comic book superhero has managed to keep his relevance where so many others have faltered, with a focused look into how Batman artwork has changed over the sixty years of his existence. Who is Batman to you? Almost everybody knows something about Batman, from my Sunday school teacher (who confiscated my Batman comic book calling him ‘devilish’ and ‘violent’) to my little cousins who play the new Batman videogame incessantly. What many people fail to realize though is that the character of Batman has always been evolving, always being modified to fit the purposes of both the medium and the audience. Take for example the Batman television series that lasted from 1966 till 1968. Adam West as Batman, a little lumpy in his Batsuit, would fight crime accompanied by his faithful sidekick, Robin (Burt Ward). They would awkwardly beat up their enemies, (Listen to the classic soundtrack)accompanied by the classic POW! BIFF! WHAM! sound effects and use goofy phrases like, â€Å"†¦if two plus two equals four†¦Quick Robin, to the Batmobile!† In all t... ...ewer is interested in; Bruce Wayne is an after thought. But with a movie, the viewer is forced to see the Bruce Wayne character and on a sub-conscious level is forced to connect that character with the traits one already has of the actor from previous experience, which reduces the mystery of the Batman character. Concluding Thoughts: While the Batman character grown into an international franchise, many of his fellow superhero peers have fallen by the proverbial road side. Riding on his mysterious and dark persona, he is one of the most famous fictional characters of modern times. It is a unique blend of super-hero fantasy and realism that has allowed him to be accepted by such a wide audience, and it is to the credit of his producers that they have been able to mould the character the character to fit their needs while capitalizing on the character’s essence.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Lost Roanoke Colony Essay -- essays research papers

Jamestown is thought by most of our general population to be the first colony in the New World. This is only half true. Jamestown is considered our first successful colony, however it was not our first attempt at a colony. There were a few attempts to colonize the New World before Jamestown and one in particular that is found to be interesting is Roanoke also known as the Lost Colony. It received this name due to the fact that the colonists that settled this colony disappeared very mysteriously. This poses the question of What happened to the people of Roanoke? There are many different viewpoints of what occurred to the colonists and the goal here is to address each one of them. In England, a document signed on January 7, 1587, created a governing body called the Governor and Assistants of the City of Roanoke in Virginia. John White, an illustrator and map maker, was appointed governor. Then on May 5, 1587, eighty-five men, seventeen women, and eleven children boarded the ships heading for the New World. The plan was originally designed for the colony to settle at Chesapeake Bay, however on July 22, 1587, Simao Fernandes, the ship captain of the expedition decided to drop everyone off at Roanoke Island, the site of a previous expedition called Greenville, instead of pushing up the coast to the Chesapeake Bay. John White believed that they would reunite with the fifteen colonists left behind from the previous expedition. Instead he only found the bones of one of the men, ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Creativity vs. Psychological Health of Anne Sexton

A number of creative individuals have taken their own lives, including John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, Sylvia Plath, and many other writers. The large number of such cases suggests that there may be a functional relationship between creativity and psychological health. This relationship seems to vary across domains, with the rate of suicide especially high in certain groups of artists. This may suggest that there may be something unique to those domains that either draws suicide-prone persons into the domain or has an impact on the individual such that suicide is considered and often attempted. When the poem writing by Anne Sexton entitled Her Kind you can closely compare how Anne’s mental health affected her poetry and how her poetry affected her mental health. The American Pulitzer Prize–winning poet Anne Sexton took her own life in 1974 via carbon monoxide poisoning before reaching the age of fifty. Her life and work are especially interesting because her poetry was clearly tied to her own psychiatric treatment. She began writing with only moderate formal education (a high school diploma), but after being published she was given honorary degrees from several universities, including Tufts, Radcliffe, and Harvard. Sexton's poems, many dealing with suicide, read together with richly researched recent biography, enhanced by biographer's access to tapes of Sexton's sessions with her psychiatrist and by foreword by that psychiatrist, permit unusual opportunity to understand the interrelationship of her illness, her treatment, and the meaning of suicide in her life. Whatever was on her mind seemed to come out in her poetry whether it was about sex, madness or death. â€Å"Readers tend to be generous in their praise, celebrating the poetry primarily because it so fully and openly reveals Sexton's personal pain† (Anne). Basically, the speaker of â€Å"Her Kind† is outcast because she is powerful. Traditionally, society expects women to lead sheltered lives. Women are to be obedient, quiet, and timid. They are viewed as gentle and kind, not â€Å"dreaming evil† (Line 3, Sexton). The modern, liberated woman completely shatters this tradition by courageously speaking her mind and living an independent life. She is empowered as she seeks education and a stable career instead of a domestic life. Since the modern woman does not fit the traditional label, â€Å"A woman like that is not a woman quite† (Line 6, Sexton). Society would view this line of the poem as a negative slam on the modern woman and paraphrase it by saying, â€Å"She's not quite right in the head; therefore, she does not belong here in civilization. † Anne Sexton was a poet and a woman, but most importantly, she was an outcast. Subjected to nervous breakdowns and admitted to a neuropsychiatry hospital, Sexton must have been all too familiar with the staring eyes and the judging minds of the public. Just being a woman in today's world often can be enough to degrade a person in the public's eye, let alone being labeled as a crazy woman. But Anne Sexton did not let society remain unchallenged in its views. She voiced a different opinion of women through poetry. In Anne Sexton's â€Å"Her Kind† she embraces society's negative stereotype of modern, liberated women and transforms it into a positive image. Two voices, the voice of society and the voice of Anne, duel about the issue of the stereotype of modern women. Like Anne Sexton, the speaker in this poem is an outcast woman. Sexton was born in Massachusetts on November 9, 1928, to Mary Gray Staples and Ralph Churchill Harvey, who were known to drink regularly and sometimes heavily. They were somewhat prominent and quite socially active. Scholars suggest that they may have valued their social engagements over their family responsibilities. There is some evidence that Sexton's mother was jealous about her very early writing (Long). Sexton did not have obvious creative aspirations, but instead seemed to think more about a family of her own. At one point her mother accused her of plagiarism and had that particular writing examined. It was deemed to be original, but many scholars suggest this incident affected Sexton's relationship with her mother. Sexton's aunt on her father's side attempted suicide in early childhood, lived several decades in an apparently stable marriage, and eventually committed suicide just before she turned seventy. The family believes that if her aunt's suicide had any sort of influence on Sexton, it was probably informational (e. g. , the aunt modeling suicide) rather than genetic. Biographers place great emphasis on Sexton's psychiatric treatment, which was significant as evidenced by the content of her poetry. And, it is possible, given her nonconformism that Sexton suffered from a borderline personality disorder. There are reports of her schizophrenic language, for instance, as well as her tendency to enter some sort of trance at the end of her psychiatric treatment sessions. She apparently did not want to end the sessions, perhaps because of emotional and social needs. â€Å"Sexton’s writing seems so personal she is often labeled a ‘confessional’ poet† Anne did not agree with this title and preferred to be called a â€Å"storyteller† (Middlebrook). For instance, in her poem titled â€Å"Her Kind† she writes, â€Å"A woman like that is not a woman, quite. I have been her kind† (Sexton). Many people would automatically assume that Anne was speaking about herself in her poem, especially according to those who believe her poetry is confessional. But in reality, â€Å"she considered the speaking ‘I’ in her poetry as a literary rather than a real identity† (Middlebrook). Not everything she wrote was necessarily about her but rather perhaps a form of therapy. Diane Middlebrook believes Sexton conveys the terms on which she wishes to be understood: not victim, but a witness (Middlebrook). Through reading Anne Sexton’s poem â€Å"Her Kind† we get a better understanding of Anne herself. She was a strong character who used her writing as therapy. Doctors never knew that her writing would have such an impact on the world. She writes specifically in her poem â€Å"Her Kind† about what she went through in society as a woman. Through Anne’s writing it improved her mental health. It was an outlet for her feelings. Her writing was true and honest and something many women would never talk about much less publicly write about. Her mental health inspired her creative writing which in turn helped her mental health to some degree. Her honest writing became her outlet and a way of therapy. Works Cited â€Å"Anne (Harvey) Sexton. † American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies. Ed. A. Walton Litz. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1981. Literature Resource Center. Gale. University of South Carolina Libraries. 6 Apr. 2009 . George, Diana Hume. â€Å"Oedipus Anne: The Poetry of Anne Sexton. † Oedipus Anne: The Poetry of Anne Sexton. University of Illinois Press, 1987. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Daniel G. Marowski and Roger Matuz. Vol. 53. Detroit: Gale Research, 1982. Literature Resource Center. Gale. University of South Carolina Libraries. 7 Apr. 2009

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hr as Competency Developer Essay

It is the art and science of acquiring, motivating, introduceing and exploitation race in their theorizes in light of their singleized, superior and technical intimacy, skills, potentialities, ingests and places in synchronization with the achievement of person(a), placement, and societys goals.Functions of a humans Resource double-decker* In charge of the worry of an organisations transactionforce, or human resources * trustworthy for the attraction, selection, training, assessment and recompenseing of employees * oersees governanceal leaders and culture* Develops vernal approaches* Generates progressive root words that argon strategical ally aligned with de sparkment goals * Serves as a swop agent and leads convert effortsHR Manager as expertness Developer humane Resources is an asset that need to be managed conscientiously and in tune with the compositions inescapably. Todays or so matched government activity argon works to ensure that now and a ex from now they pee-pee employees who argon animated and be able to address competitive challenges, this means recruiting and refraining superior talent and elating employees to perform at peak levels.For system to succeed in todays competitive and complex purlieu, employee at all levels need to mystify and demonstrate the personal capabilities, underlying characteristics and behaviours that drive superior execution at work.Keeping the organization and its human resources competitive is one of the close to meaning(a) role of a human beings Resource Manager.Competency* It is the dexterity of an singular to do a job flop * It is a combination of acquaintance, skills and behaviour utilise to improve slaying * It is linked with personal memorizeing as a focussing concept * Competency is not contumacious they scarcelyt joint usually be actual with effort and backing * Competency should be made visible/accessibleCompetencies be coachable, observable, measurab le and critical to successful individual or corporation exertion wherefore the need to develop skill* duck soup up the value of the organization* Provide loose guidelines of success* Enable greater flexibleness to move people laterally and encourages development * Provide practical tools for performance forethought* Help to identify gaps between flow capabilities and next requirements * Help in rivet training and development efforts on areas with greatest need and/or feign * tending organisational salmagundi and building desired culture * Provides employees with a roadmap for building strengths and resolution development gapsCompetencies, when correctly identified and utilise, hold in proved to be one of the intimately powerful tools for an organization to meet its byplay results, by dint of its people. Competencies alleviate in establishing prevalent criteria for hiring, training, measuring, and rewarding people with the right capabilities to champion the org anization gain competitive reward Competency models are often used inwardly human resource departments of organizations to fix success of both individuals and groups. Competency models open fire be used in a physique of ship track, such as assessing of candidates qualifications for jobs to maturation training programs and in executive recruitment and coaching.Effectiveness of Competency Model must(prenominal)* Be aligned with descent and organization goals and needs * Supportthe business outline* Be future centre* render abstract concepts into observable behaviours and activities * Be suitable for multiple application (if necessary)* Be selective, focused on a few competencies that are actually key for company or individuals performance * Do make so unique(predicate) that it cannot be used elsewhere in the organizationTypes of CompetenciesWhen we speak roughly competencies, they can generally be shared out into two main categories 1. plaza CompetenciesCore Compet encies are base on the organizations mandate, key values, and goals. They describe those behaviors that are necessary for successful performance in all jobs byout the elbow room. In new(prenominal) words, these union competencies are necessary for the spot to meet its strategic goals and priorities. They are establish in every job, but to vary degrees.The core competencies for all roles are* building RelationshipsBuilds rapport, develops relationships and identifies opportunities for Partner/Community involvement, collaborates with s dealholders on an on-going pedestal and establishes new partnerships/strategic relationships* Developing OthersThe ability to foster the learning and development of others (individuals, staff, and peers) through coaching, mentoring and empowering so that people have a deep sense of allegiance and ownership. It includes promoting an environment of continuous learning and egotism-development that contributes to on-going success. Developing oth ers is generate to all roles and is not limited to stately positions of authority* IntegrityActs consistently, in the workplace, gibe to Basic Values of opennessand candor Acts on Values despite aroused risk to self* bear in minding, Understanding and RespondingListen actively and responsivelyAccurately assesses Human conduct* AdvocacyIt is a focus on and commitment to involving the individual in the partnership and influencing the confederation to assist in confrontation the needs and goals of the individual. It involves the use of persuasive techniques or negotiation skills to achieve desired results, advocates for the rights of the individual and proactively encourage the integration of the individual into the community. At lavishlyer levels, advocacy involves thinking well-nigh what the other party cares about, thinking win-win, and ske permital system arguments in light of their issues* Quality of gainMaintains clear communicationTakes personal duty for correcting problemsActs to improve quality of renovation for the individual of stakeholder Addresses underlying needs of individual or stakeholderUses a long-term perspective/acts as a trusted advisorIt is crucial here to understand that these competencies leave behind help agency staff to more(prenominal) efficaciously meet the needs of the individuals that are served by the agencies. For slip, by engaging in advocacy and building community relations, accessibility and community education depart be strengthened. As leaders help staff to explicate and develop, staff members can better assist individuals to grow and develop. A strong assistant orientation helps everyone rub focused on who we serve and allows us to adapt to ever-ever-changing expectations and needs. A strong ability to get wind and understand underlies all that we are exhausting to accomplish in being person-centered and respectful. Over time, a path for superior performance is laid.2. Job-Specific CompetenciesJob C ompetencies refer to the key social and personal skills and abilities that are necessary to specific types of jobs within the agencies. The job specific behavioural competencies are* paid ExcellenceWants to do job wellCreates own measures of faithfulnessImproves performanceSets and works to meet challenging goals* FlexibilityThe ability to adapt to and work effectively within a variety of situations, and with various individuals or groups. Flexibility entails judgment and appreciating unalike and opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting ones approach as the requirements of a situation potpourri, and changing or good accepting changes in ones own agency or job requirements.* Information Gathering and Analysis hire questionsInvestigates and sees patternsResearches and applies complex conceptsClarifies complex concepts and scans the environment* hazard SeekingThe ability to identify a problem, obstacle or opportunity and take action and/or proactively create opportunities to disperse or prevent problems. It is an orientation towards actively seeking out opportunities for the individual that will assist in enhancing involvement within his or her community.* Self-ControlThe ability to mention ones emotions under lead and restrain negative actions when provoked, when faced with showdown or hostility from others, or when working(a) under conditions of melody. It also includes the ability tomaintain stamina under continuing stress* Strategic ThinkingAligns current actions with strategic goals of the organization Integrates goals with political platforms and approachesIntegrates goals with operationsUnderstands external impact on internal strategy* aggroup LeadershipKeeps people informedPromotes group effectivenessObtains resources/takes care of the teamPositions self as the leaderCommunicates a have hatful* TeamworkInvolves working co-operatively with others, being part of a team, working together, as irrelevant to working separately or competit ively. These behaviours apply when one is a member of a group of people functioning as a teamIt is important to trans direction line that these competencies are defined at different levels for different jobs. At the kindred time, it is important to keep in mind that we need to think through issues and concerns, solve problems and stay aware of our environment. We need to work as a team and support to each one other. As issues change, we must remain flexible, but never lose corporation of what the agency is trying to accomplish. We must focus on achieving results and taking initiative to help support the individuals we serve, and to allow them to participate fully in the community.Human Resource studyHuman Resource Development is the framework for destiny employees develop their personal and organisational skills, knowledge and abilities. Human Resource Development includes such opportunities as employee training,employee careerdevelopment, performance management and developme nt, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification and organization development.The Human Resource Manager should identify, administer, develop and evaluate the training and development needs of effect. Through this training and development, personnel hire not only skills and competency in their present jobs but also capacities for future managerial positions.The efficiency of an organization depends greatly on the training and development of personnel. learning* better employee competencies call for today or very soon * Typical mark is to improve employee performance in a specific jobDevelopment* Improving employee competencies over a longer compass point of time * Typical objective is to school employees for future rolesImportance of Training and Development* Develop competencies that match strategy* It helps personnel to utilize and develop his potential * shelter cohesiveness and commitment* Improve commitment and retention* There will be competent replacement for more prudent positions * go advancement opportunities* Improve engagement* Increase productivity* Improve service* Implement new technology* skilful personnel increase their market value and earning powerHR Managers need to brook opportunities for employees to improve their knowledge, skills and expertise, but at the same time they have to find ways to retain employees and their knowledge. HRM arranges and HR strategies have to be designed and delivered to keep employees and their knowledge in the organization. It is not always possible to retain employees in organizations and, virtuallytimes, it is even good idea to let go of some of the lively staff and introduce a new wave of employees to the organization to improve base and creativity. However, this does not mean that organizations should also let go of the knowledge they have invested to be created and developed over the years. Although employees come and go, knowledge should be kept and developed for t he future competitiveness of the organization. HR Manager as a variegate LeaderChange Leadership is the ability to energize and springy groups to the need for specific changes in the way things are done. People with this competency volitionally embrace and champion change. They take favor of every opportunity to explain their vision of the future to others and gain their buy-in. HR Managers should play an active role in developing and maintaining an organizational environment supportive of change and diversity * Encourages others to value change* in effect communicates the reasons for changeHR Managers should be anticipatory and proactive rather than reactive. Because of rapid change in both technological and demographic, HR Manager is in a gelid position for helping to create an organizational environment supportive of such changeHR Managers should also develop innovative approaches to streamline complex situations.Best comeThe planning processes of most trounce practice or ganizations not only define what will be accomplished within a given time-frame, but also the be and types of human resources that will be need to achieve the defined business goals (e.g., bite of human resources the required competencies when the resources will be needed etc.).Organizations must also have a talent management HR system that stores and reports information on employee competencies, and enables some or all parts of the Career Development and Succession heed process, for example * employee / multi-source competency assessment* catalogued learning resources* on-line(a) registration for courses / programs* job / role interconnected that compares employee competencies against targeted role / job requirements * various reporting capabilities that support both Succession Management (e.g., lists of employees ready for targeted positions / role) and broader HR Planning.References* Michael Armstrong. A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 2007 * Zorlu Senyuce l. Managing the Human Resource in the 21st Century. 2009 * ITAP International. spherical Competency Development. 2013 * Jackson, Schuller & Werner. Managing Human Resources. * Development The HRM Professionals Key Role.2008 * Success through HR rapidly changing business environments, organizations are recognizing the value of a workforce that is not only extremely skilled and technically adept, but more importantly, a workforce that can learn quickly, adapt to change, communicate effectively, and foster interpersonal relationships. These characteristics, or competencies, are critical to organizational survival, productivity, and continual improvement. By focusing on the full range of competencies or whole-person assessment, the idiom is on potential, or what the person can bring to the organization, rather than on a set of narrowly defined tasks based on job requirements. Organizations that select for competencies such as creative thinking experience to build a high-performance culture. development competencies as the basis for staffing allows the flexibility needed to select and place individuals where they can best serve the organization One of the strengths of competency models is that they are often linked to the business goals and strategies of the organization. Additionally, competency models provide insight into core competencies that are greens to multiple jobs within an organization Competencies provide a common language across HR functions therefore, they provide a natural foundation for integration these functions. Competencies support these new roles since they can be linked to and promote the strategic charge and values of an organization. The linkage of occupation-related competencies and activities to the organizational mission and goals provides a clear line of sight between individual and team performance and organizational success. The organization can reward the accomplish ments directly related to the agencys mission and reward those competencies that drive organizational success. By aligning the strategic plan with competencies, an organization can effectively settle recruitment, selection, and training strategies that will support project future needs, resulting in high-performing employees and a high performance organization