Monday, September 30, 2019

“Lord of the Flies” by William Golding Essay

We were innocent before we started to begin feeling guilty and deep inside the nook of our minds and hearts we have found a hidden treasure that we once had and now seek. One of the most precious gifts one can obtain in life is the gift of innocence and once it has been taken away it can no longer be returned. The term innocence is interpreted as â€Å"the freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil†. Once a child is exposed to blind ideas such as believing the world is a perfect place and then realizes the cruelty which inhabits within it, innocence is lost. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies outlines how civilization allows man to remain innocent and once the needs for survival become crucial, the primitive instincts of man must come to parity with the necessities one needs to survive. While loss of innocence is a predominant theme in the novel, the symbols of the beast, the painted faces, and the forest glade help to illustrate the importance of s avagery created within the boys over their time on the island. Man will always try to convince themselves that there is no evil inside of them by making something or someone else seem to be the cause of evil; this is mainly evident in the idea that the boys instill fear in themselves due to the existence of the beast. Realistically, the beast symbolizes the â€Å"inner beast† inside all of the boys on the island and eventually leads each of them to lose their innocence and increase their savage like instincts based on their fear and expansion of belief in the beasts existing. A significant part in the novel in which the beast is introduced is in Chapter 2, page 34 where one of the little boys claims that he had seen the â€Å"beastie† somewhere inside of the woods. At this early point in the novel we are able to see the imagination in which all the boys have put into effect on what exactly the â€Å"beastie† looks like and it is quite evident that Golding has used this idea in the earlier chapters to later portray the scene of chaos and terror of the beast. The discovery that something other than the boys is on the island creates fear in all of them in which their animalistic instincts will begin to surface because now they fear their safety and the need for survival must be placed into effect. The beast in  itself can be symbolized as incarnation of the Christian notion of Satan, which motivates the boys to become more cruel and violent in behavior. The characters of Ralph and Jack are also affected by the beast’s existence for it creates a rupture between them and their followers, where the follow up to the end of the book shows how all the boys will turn on Ralph, who throughout most of the novel was the most civilized. Simon, being the â€Å"Christ-like† figure in Lord of the Flies, is the only character who communicates with the beast and is one of the most ethical characters that realize the inner beast amongst the other boys on the island, especially when the boys believe in solely having fun instead of finding wa ys to get off the island and getting back home. â€Å"This has gone quite far enough. My poor misguided child do you think you know better than I do?† There was a pause. â€Å"I’m warning you. I’m going to get angry. D’you see? You’re not wanted. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island.† (Golding, 144) Simon is also the only character who discovers that the dead parachutist that had landed on the island is the imaginary beast that everyone has become terrified of and is also the cause of the diminishing human morality within the boys. When he attempts to tell the rest of the boys that he had witnessed the dead parachutist, the boys are under impression that Simon is the beast because they are sightless and in a panic they brutally murder him. An equally important symbol as in comparison to the beast would be the fact that the boys paint their faces. When Jack had appeared before his group of boys with his face smeared in clay like war paint he decides in taking the boys on a pig hunt. The mask then internally transforms Jack in which his primal instincts come to surface. â€Å"He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling† (Golding, 64). It appears evident that the boys are becoming savage like because of their painted faces, the paint masks are used to infiltrate all the boys’ souls because now they feel more powerful. The masks not only instigate the evil inside all of the boys but are symbols representing the chaos currently going on in the world which is war. â€Å"For hunting. Like in the war. You know – dazzle paint. Like things trying to  look like something else† (Golding, 63). With this idea in mind the anonymity of the masks create chaos and violence in which it furthers the boys’ advantage in killing the beast. Now that the boys are corrupted by the beast and have strengthened their egos by painting their faces, innocence that a child should withhold is lost because now their innate instincts are to act war-like which the doings of an adult are. Just as in war, death to an opposing team causes blood-lust for the victorious person, in this case it would be Jack who succumbs himself to the thrill of violence, creates his own sub-society, and engages in rituals of violence and slaughter. Furthermore, the clash between Jack and Ralph grows deeper because of Jacks tyrannical rule and Ralph’s democratic perspective, and the fact that Jack is more concerned on becoming a better hunter where as Ralph is concerned in getting everyone off of the island creates huge tension between them and foreshadows the breakdown in which the boys will create for themselves in their invented society. It is easy for one to hide behind a mask to hide fear but in the novel’s context the masks do not work as something that shelters the boys but rather liberates and frees them into believing they can do anything they want while wearing it and not worrying about important matters. Another symbol throughout the novel Lord of the Flies would be the forest glade which is the open space in the jungle that Simon finds. Although it seems that the forest glade seems minor in its symbolism it actually has greater meaning than depicted. Simon is the only character who sees the jungle as a tranquil and beautiful place as compared to Jacks character that only sees the jungle as a dangerous place. Later on throughout the novel when Simon returns to the forest glade he is met with the pigs head in which a peaceful place has now been disrupted by this bloody offering, which later symbolizes the innate human evil that affects and harms childhood innocence. A child, being symbolized as a peaceful jungle with nothing to harm it, has become corrupt by something such as the pig’s head being brought into the child’s environment. The pig’s head now instigates the child’s innate and natural evil to come out so that it can find the needs to survive and because of this, innocence has been lost. Living in the 21st century means that throughout peoples entire lives they become sheltered from evils  depicted in things such as the media, but once we are exposed to the â€Å"outside world† and engage in immoral acts and grow out of being a child, we automatically lose that innocence we once obtained because everything becomes a game of survival of the fittest. Due to all the dominant symbols in the novel Lord of the Flies, it is extremely evident how all of them work together to structure the central theme of loss of innocence. All the boys on the island had been exposed to ideas that have been kept blind to them before that had reached the island, but still they were able to survive nature by bringing forth their innate human instincts. The boys being quite educated and reserved in their lives before coming to island shows that loss of innocence can occur to anyone no matter what lifestyle they lived prior. The fear the boys had throughout the novel brings forth the loss of innocence because it represents the potential evil instilled within all humans especially when they are placed in certain environmental conditions in which for the boys was the island they had landed on. The island itself being seen as a paradise comes to an end when the boys’ instinct take control of their rationality. Society today is still faced with the â€Å"inner beast† inside many people this is quite evident in the fact that our world today is still filled with criminals, gangs and tyrannical people. If humans weren’t so instantly triggered by their innate evil desires then their wouldn’t be treacherous acts of rape and there wouldn’t be secret organizations such as the vigilantes of Ku Klux Klan that advocate one races supremacy over another. The things the boys of the island in Lord of the Flies do are just a miniscule example of real life-size issues that can occur anywhere at anytime in ones life that brings out the â€Å"inner-beast† in everyone. The experience of losing ones innocence is often part of growing up but can be painful and tragic. Tragedy in this experience unlike any other faced in a person’s lifetime is that innocence is the gift that once it’s damaged it cannot be retained again and all senses of life’s marvels are lost simply because of humans innate evils.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Personal Ethic statement Essay

†¢Do you agree with the results of your Work Culture Preferences activity? Does it match with what you considered your ideal work culture? Yes, I agree with the results of my Work Culture Preferences activity. The result matches with my considered ideal wok culture. My result was being High powered, and teamwork centered, and expert. I agree with being High powered because I like to try different jobs and learning new skills. These skills will help me become more competitive in a demanding job market. Most demanding jobs are teamwork centered and require being in the creative atmosphere. I’m glad that I received this result to see my strong points in the work culture. This will help me what to expect in a career that I’m looking forward to. †¢Do you think there is a relationship between effective study habits and techniques and being successful in those work cultures? Explain your answers. Yes, I think there is a relationship between effective study habits and techniques of being successful in those work cultures by being successful in those cultures. Study habits and techniques are all part of note taking; they are extremely helpful in remembering important detail about a particular subject. By using effective study habits and techniques, can tremendously help you when taking quiz or test. While taking a test, you can remember from the top of your head of what you had wrote down for studied to answer that question. In work culture, it will help you memorize your work procedure and guidelines. †¢What was your ethical perspective as identified by the ELI, including your blind spot, strengths, weaknesses, and values? My ethical perspective as identified by the ELI was prioritizing the value of autonomy over equality. My concern is to protect individual rights and ensure everyone is treated fairly. I believe that my good is good enough, leaving problems unresolved for everyone else. By doing this, I’m too focused on good motive and don’t see the problems in my method. My strengths are able to make responsible choices that benefit many different individuals  at the same time. Thinking through problem carefully and research options to find the one that will fulfill my duties. My values are to make sure my actions are good for the community as a whole. †¢How do personal ethics play a role in academics? How might they play a role in the workplace? Personal ethics play a role in academics by setting an atmosphere of truthfulness and trust. This help to ensure every decision we make is one that upholds values. They are the decision that make and must continue to lure of the easy way out, by making ourselves better. Personal ethics also play a role in workplace by keeping our work or ideas original to us. This challenges corporation to translate their mission statement into every employee. Leading corporation to higher performance for business and society. In addition, promote employee and customer trustworthy relation for truthful business and services to the company. †¢What connection is there to your ethical perspective and your ideal work culture? The connection within my ethical perspective and work culture is they both require fairness and equality in both. The support of each other as a team benefits and the success of the workplace. It would also increase the want to be at the workplace and part of the team. Creating an environment that encourages people to express opinions and creative atmosphere. These connections promote unity for subordinate, co-worker, and supervisors to work and focus on task at hand. It both encourages people to share and express their opinions. Increasing likelihood of rapid promotion and other benefits to each.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Project management-Scenario Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Project management-Scenario Assignment - Essay Example Measure of the extent to which a company’s benefits are achieved is known as value and this should be at optimum cost. As a manager of the battery manufacturing company, Bart Erry Ltd, I would employ risk management and assessment for evaluation of risks in order to take remedial actions in line with achieving these benefits and minimising loss of value to hazards and uncertainties. Risk profile is a defined set of risks that an organization is exposed to and describes when a risk should be considered acceptable as well as how the risk is affecting decisions of the organization and corporate strategy (Woodhead, 2001)1. Risk profiling involves outlining the risks according to priority and can be developed during risk analysis and used for the management of these risks. It enables the company to measure the likelihood of the threats occurring and the extent of disruption that can be caused by each type of risk. Profiling hence involves identification and quantification of risks where identification is simply finding or recognizing a particular risk that could affect the organization in achieving its goals. While in quantification the identified risks are evaluated and a data developed to help in outlining a disaster recovery plan (Loosemore, Raftery, Reilly & Higgon, 2006)2. The battery manufacturing company, Bart Erry Ltd are currently facing a number of risks such as legal suit may be filed against them by the local community because of the chemical effluent which found its way into the river and killed fish. They also face relocation from their current location by the government. They as well face health hazard risk not only to the local community but to the company too because they may also depend on water from the contaminated river for several uses. The company may also face destruction of property by the angry local fishing community whom have been affected because the effluent from the

Friday, September 27, 2019

MOBILE COMMERCE (M- COMMERCE) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MOBILE COMMERCE (M- COMMERCE) - Research Paper Example Mobile commerce is similar to e commerce because it is mediated by computer networks; however, it differs from this form because some internet devices do not have access to telecommunications networks. Mobile commerce has numerous benefits that companies in any industry can enjoy, and one of them is their ability to respond to issues instantly. It is a given fact that certain transactions are time-critical, such as making a buy in the stock market for brokers; having an m-commerce platform for such industries could make the difference between success and failure for these stakeholders. Businesses can gain significant leverage when they merge the intention to purchase with the actual purchase through a mobile device. One way of how this has been achieved is through the use of PDAs (personal digital assistant) in the healthcare sector. Nurses and physicians constantly need to access patient information or records even though this may have occurred in another department within the institution. Some healthcare providers that have adopted these technologies are now able to access patient status and other critical information without having to go to the corresponding department. This has minimized administrative cost while productivity has increased, and the service quality within these entities is also quite promising. In addition to its instantaneous nature, m commerce allows users to carry out transactions independent of their location; this could drive sales substantially for such companies. Many buyers may want to purchase a certain item or service but could be unable to do so because of their distance from the actual store. Even e-commerce, which promises such an advantage is often limited by one’s ability to locate a computer, yet this is not the case for mobile devices. M-commerce holds a lot of promise for businesses that embrace it because they have the opportunity to sale their wares to buyers anywhere they are. The ubiquity of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Expected Learning Outcomes in a Legal Class Research Proposal

Expected Learning Outcomes in a Legal Class - Research Proposal Example This therefore includes the introduction and development of necessary skills. These skills include research and analysis in determining relevant laws to be applied to case examples having practical application and significance in business. Another skill that would be developed as a necessary consequence is legal reasoning. When law is in issue, what is moral becomes an issue also. Hence the study should include not only law but the ethical standards or regulations related to business. More specifically this includes both legal and ethical regulations as pertaining to the entire global business organization. This in a few words is the Legal Environment of A Business. All these skills and knowledge expected to be learned in a legal class should lay the foundations for specialized classes that delve deeper into the Legal Environment of Business and Business Ethics. Both subjects cover such a large scope that they should be treated separately in specialized classes. As a foundation for t hese subjects, this general introduction should expose the student to the legal environment of business including the three branches of government, administrative agencies, the actual laws on business and its courses of action in times of conflicts. Problems at the corporate level involving contracts and employment issues must also be presented.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Forest People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Forest People - Essay Example This society viewed their world as a place with no evil as they got everything the forest without necessary clearing any forested area to cultivate and plant food. Everything was in the forest that they required. Anybody who didn’t understand the forest views it as hostile and dangerous, contrary to this BaMbuti had a different perception of the forest. Those who lived outside the village perceived the forest as fearful and evil. BaMbuti never viewed the forest as evil either did they possess any fear of living in the forest. The forest was their home, â€Å"for them it is a good world† (pg15). Forest was their cosmos and in return it supplied them with all their needs. They mastered the art of living in the forest that no outsider could comprehend how they did it while the outsiders viewed the forest as an impossible place to live in. Men and women had different roles to play in the society, and this phenomenon can be described as a division of labor. A normal day in the â€Å"pygmy village was alive with women bundling up their household possessions in the baskets they would carry on their backs. The men were busy checking their hunting nets, examining their arrow shafts and testing their bows, or sharpening the blades of their spear†. (pg53). Hunting was affair of men and for this reason they were obliged to train the young boys to hunt. Moneys and birds were hunted by men using bows and arrows. The women could travel collecting mushrooms and roots for the evening meals, this illustration indicates that the women were solely responsible for evening meals. The women were also obliged to cook for their husbands, â€Å"†¦ watching his third and youngest wife, Kamaika, cooking his breakfast.† (pg54). Thatching of huts was a role that was conferred to women â€Å"Ageronga’s wife prepares a bundle of mongongo leaves for thatching her hut.† It was also the obligation of women

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Question 2 Z Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Question 2 Z - Essay Example However, their distinct differences in terms of formation, structure and ultimate objective distinguishes them. Interest groups are encapsulated within the blanket of pressure groups, which are organizations that are formed on a voluntary basis and are private in nature operating not to form a government but aims at influencing and regulating policies that a government formulates. Pressure groups are either cause groups or Interest Groups (Kenneth 200). Pressure Groups are the groups that aim to influence the government politically, a significant distinctive feature. Interest groups are different from cause groups as they (interest groups) focus on occupational aspects that affect their members; be it issues to do with business, trading, and professional regulations among others. Its main focus revolves around the welfare of those they fight for in occupational capacities. For example, a Teacher’s Union would raise teachers’ grievances to the Ministry of Education concerning delayed salaries. Structures and hierarchical line of power that commands broad edges of issues affecting people with a belief that given a chance they can provide solutions to those problems. They aim to escalate to power and provide political governance to the people and the issues they touch on are much more general than those of interest groups, which are only about occupational issues. As referenced by Caramani (200), adapted from Huckshorns (1984:10), a political party is a group of independent individuals whose aim is to compete in nominations and run for elections in order to escalate to power and have control of the government. Arguably, political parties aim to escalate to power and capture government offices that give it a mandate for governance. According to Caramani (268), Social Movements are collections of individuals with a clearly recognized rival and are involved in a battle and share a central

Monday, September 23, 2019

Engineering Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Engineering Management - Coursework Example Management style has an important role to play as appropriate management style can help employees perform their tasks efficiently and achieve their targets, meet organizational goals, keep the employees motivated and help organization make efficient decisions (Bryman, 1993). Not only this, management style has a major part to play in creating the organizational culture. This report highlights about the management style of one of the most renowned companies of the world, Apple Inc. The management style of the previous Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Apple has been analyzed and advantages and disadvantages of his leadership style have been discussed. Also the report provides different types of recommendation to the management of Ili Electronics Inc. to implement some of the characteristics in the company that could be helpful in increasing the morale and motivation of the employees and at the same time improve the productivity and profitability of the company. ... In an autocratic management style, the decision making authority and power lies with the top management of the organization and employees are not allowed to make their decisions. In such a management style, the employees of the organization are supposed to follow the instructions and orders given to them by the manager. Apple operates in an industry where innovation and creativity are very important factors, and other firms in the same industry encourage employees to think and be innovative and come up with different ideas (Silicon Beach Training News, 2011). In Apple the decisions are imposed, whereas in Google the management has given employees to the option to select the project they would like to work on and with whom they would like to work with thus these two management styles have been contrasting but both have been successful. 20% of the employees working time have been allocated by Google to come up with their own software concepts and ideas whereas all kinds of thinking and planning is done at the top level at Apple (McInerney, 2011). ADVANTAGES OF MANAGEMENT STYLE OF STEVE JOBS There are several advantages of the autocratic style of leadership which was adopted by Steve Jobs and these advantages are described below Standards Pre-defined In an autocratic management style, there are standards that are to be followed by the employees therefore they know what is expected of them and thus they can perform their tasks accordingly which would lead to the organizational objectives. Supervision In such a management style, the supervisors are present to guide the employees wherever they get stuck or faces problems and generally supervisors or managers are experienced and they have the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sustainability and Waste Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sustainability and Waste Management - Assignment Example There are different methods that can be used to extract unwanted solvents, for instance, boiling, grinding or distilling the unwanted solvent with appropriate solvents which are used less frequently. Blending could also be used especially if it is on a large scale and it is a continuous project. According to Limbachiya & London, determination of the method to use for removing the solvent requires that environmental concerns need to be taken care of, in that the method has to be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. Regarding this, most United States EPA methods list sonification, a method of blending as a valid mode of extraction. This is very vital since using unauthorized methods could lead to penal action. The efficiency and cost of the method also have to be considered, methods like blending work in 10 to 15 minutes while solvent extraction could take up to twenty-four hours. However solvent extraction is much cheaper, therefore, a balance needs to be created in coming up with a method; costs versus efficiency. Light globes if discarded carelessly present a huge hazard to the environment and it is necessary that appropriate mechanisms should be adopted regarding their disposal. It is even better if the light bulbs are recycled to save vast resources. An office can save on its expenditures if it decides to recycle light globes. To develop an efficient recycling program, an office needs to follow the guidelines outlined in the subsequent paragraphs. A lot of research and learning should be carried out regarding recycling programs around the state the office is located that specifically deal with particular items like light globes. Office equipment should also be included as one of the recyclable items in the chosen company in case there is a need to recycle other items as the recycling system grows.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Influence of Advertising Essay Example for Free

Influence of Advertising Essay The Influence of Advertising The Influence of advertising on our lives for both children and adults has been enormous. In today’s society, it stands for communication, motivation, opportunities, information as well as art. However at the end, the purpose of all of these factor is business. Every advertisement has a clear purpose, no companies will put out an ad on tv or radio without a clear purpose because the cost for putting out an ad in today’s society is immense. In today’s society, beauty ads have large party of advertising, beauty ads not only have effects on the older generation, they also have effects on the young generation. For the young generations, beauty ads convey the message of the secrets or methods to stay young, and for the older generations, beauty ads convey the message of how to become and look young again. The beauty ads today are not only advertising their product but advertising the belief they’re trying to sell to the people, mostly females. The companies are trying to make their customer believe that if they use the product they’ll look ten years old younger even though it is not true. For those people who are old â€Å" To age is to learn the feeling of no longer growing, of struggling to do old tasks, to remember familiar actions. As curtin mentioned. However As the belief of beauty product can make people stay young, more and more older generations started to forget their ages because of their temporarily younger appearance . For those people who are young, the companies are trying to sell them the idea of the secret of retaining young. It is a false method to make the young generation to believe they can stay young forever because eventually one day they will wake up and realize all the money they spent on their beauty product was a waste, and there is nothing that can keep them young forever. The negative effect of beauty products that apply to all generations is the obsession of buying these products, and pay too much attention about their physical appearance. This negative effect will create a false sense of needs in people, when in fact they do not really need the items and the products that they are buying. and thanks to advertisements, this illusion is easily perpetrated, The products being offered through advertisements appear to be the tickets to happiness and ageless.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Interlayer Effect: Si-based Double Junction Tandem Solar

Interlayer Effect: Si-based Double Junction Tandem Solar Investigation of Interlayer Effect on Si-based Double Junction Tandem Solar Cell Abstract: Silicon-based double junction tandem solar cell was fabricated and simulated using wxAMPS software. Nano structure of SiO2/ Si3N4 interlayer was inserted between the silicon and InGaN junction to investigate the effect on the quantum efficiency of the Si-based solar cell. The quantum efficiency characterizations were studied under AM1.5 solar spectrum at 300o K. SiO2 was found to be an excellent interlayer for Si-based double junction tandem solar cell compared to Si3N4 and exhibit better quantum efficiency. The addition of SiO2 and Si3N4 nano structure interlayer between the Si and InGaN improved the Jsc by 5.79% and 2.21% respectively compared to the absence of interlayer. Key-Words: Silicon solar cell, interlayer, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, quantum efficiency, wxAMPS 1  Introduction Due to its low material cost and ease of manufacturing, silicon-based solar cells are preferred for energy conversion. Advances in the technology have significantly improved the overall performance of silicon solar cells. Besides, Si has better cooling capability compared to sapphire [1]. Si has larger thermal conductivity which promises much faster thermal dissipation [2]. Since solar cells operate under high temperature, this characteristic is strongly desired. Indium gallium nitride (InGaN) is one of the best semiconductor materials for optoelectronics which can operate in high-temperature. In addition, InGaN is a widely used for multi-junction tandem solar cells with high conversion efficiency and shown a better resistance to radiation damage compared to other materials. It provides variety of band gap energies as the band gap changes with the In-Ga ratio. Due to its potential in cost reduction and faster thermal dissipation, researchers are committed to study InGaN-on-Si technol ogies. As Si and InGaN is having large relative lattice mismatch, the conversion efficiency of the device is limited. This issue leads to phase separations. Because of that, suitable interlayer or absorber layer is desired to ensure each layer to match. Thermal lattice mismatch was reported by Krost et. al in 2002 stating that cracking of GaN on Si usually occurs due to the large thermal mismatch of GaN. The thermal stress can be reduced significantly by insertion of low-temperature AlN interlayers, introducing multiple AlGaN/GaN interlayers, and growing on prepatterned substrates [3]. The interface traps at the nitride/Si interface exhibit dissimilar properties from those at the SiO2/Si interface in some aspects. Thermally grown SiO2, the currently established gate dielectric for Si-based MOS devices, possesses remarkable electronic properties that are unmatched by other materials. Both SiO2 and Si3N4 are equally transparent even for high energy edge UV band of solar spectrum. SiO2 is highly technically established materials as a passivation layer for Si based MOS technology and it may also be used for integration of PD technology [4]. Si3N4 is also potential coating materials against degradation of detecting device even in high radiation environment and temperature [5]. Implementation of double junction solar cell is one of the alternatives in enhancing the output characteristic of solar cell [6]. Users demand a better efficiency and higher output current of solar cell. Thus, we investigated the structure of InGaN-on-Si solar cell with the presence of different interlayer (SiO2 and Si3N4) which was inserted between Si and InGaN layer to intensify the light conversion in the cell. This structure enables the increase of current of both top and bottom cell by reducing the recombination effects [7]. In this paper, we focused on the quantum efficiency which is one of the criteria that must be considered as we can evaluate the amount of current that the cell will produce when exposed to sunlight. 2  Experimental Procedure The structure as shown in the Fig. 1 was fabricated using wxAMPS software which was developed by Prof. Rockett and Dr. Yiming Liu of UIUC and Prof. Fonash of PSU. The solar cells were grown on a n-type silicon substrate. Three different experiments have been conducted; without interlayer, with SiO2 interlayer and with Si3N4 interlayer. Fig. 1- Structure of the solar cell Composition of In0.4Ga0.6N with Eg=1.99 eVwas used in all three experiments. The output characteristics were studied under AM1.5 solar spectrum at 300oK. InGaN is chemically a n-type semiconductor because of the presence of nitrogen in the composition. Mg is used to dope the InGaN in order to make it p-type [8]. 3  Result and Discussion Fig. 1 presents the internal quantum efficiency of the three conducted experiments. Fig. 2- Internal Quantum Efficiency From Fig. 2, insertion of SiO2interlayer shows better IQE compared to Si3N4 and without interlayer. The difference in the IQE can be seen at high energy spectrum. The difference is due to the recombination at the surface of the cells. When carriers are generated near the surface, and since blue light for example is absorbed very close to the surface, quantum efficiency at high energy edge which absorbed very close to the surface will be affected by the front surface recombination. Presence of interlayer leads to a higher generation rate and it is more significant at the wavelength ÃŽ »2/ Si3N4is introduced between the Si and InGaN layer, the absorption is further improved and enhances the diffusion length. The highest quantum efficiency is recorded at the wavelength of 650-700 nm. The surface recombination and diffusion length in the bottom cell tends to shift the peak to lower energy edge. The properties of SiO2 and Si3N4 itself differs from each other. SiO2 has a refractive index o f 1.57 while Si3N4 with refractive index of 2.05. SiO2 permits selective diffusions into silicon wafer. Fig. 3- Current density without interlayer Since the solar cells are made up of p-type and n-type semiconductors, electrons from the n-region near the p–n junctionlikely to diffuse into the p region. As these electrons diffuse, positively charged ions (donors) are left in the n-region. On the other hand, holes from the p-type region near the p–n junction start to diffuse into the n- region. As we analyze the current density behavior based on the structure in Fig. 1, the bottom cell (Si) which is stacked with InGaN layer determines the current density with the presence/absence of interlayer. It can be seen that recombination that occur in the bottom cell affected its total performance. Besides, the in-plane lattice mismatch between Si and InGaN was reported by Henini in his book. Direct growth of InGaN layer on Si (without buffer or interlayer) gives in-plane mismatch from -7.81% to -17%; depending on the content of Indium and Gallium [9]. Direct growth of InGaN on Si makes some part of the InGaN diffused into th e Si. Carrier recombinations at localized states arise due to this lattice mismatch which leads to lower Jsc. Besides, cracking of GaN on Si usually occurs due to the large thermal mismatch of GaN. This lattice mismatch effect can be reduced by inserting interlayer which can reduce the thermal stress between the junction of InGaN and Si. GaN-based semiconductor is not well suited for direct growth on Si. Fig. 4- Current density for Si3N4 interlayer From Fig. 4, the behavior of the current density with Si3N4 interlayer is almost the same with no interlayer but it gives lower recombination rate hence produces greater current-density compared to the one in Fig. 3. At 0.08  µm-0.1  µm, it can be observed that Jn and Jp stay constant at a deeper position from the bottom cell. The final alignment and function of InGaN cell is strongly dependent on the starting substrate type, orientation, substrate pre-treatment, type of buffer or inter layer and growth conditions. High recombination rate as shown in Fig.3 and Fig. 4 is not desired. Thus, Si3N4 is not so suitable to be used as an interlayer between Si and InGaN. Fig. 5- Current density SiO2 for interlayer Fig. 5 shows the current density at the bottom cell when SiO2 is used as interlayer. Unlike Si3N4, cells with SiO2 as its interlayer give less recombination rate. The type and magnitude of recombination processes in the cell greatly affected the minority carrier lifetime and the diffusion length. The recombination rate will depend on the number of defects present in the material. Defects here may refer to the doping concentration, dopants or the properties of the material itself. Less interface defects are shown by SiO2 and this is proven by nowadays Si fabrication technology which uses SiO2 as gate interface. Even though both SiO2 and Si3N4 are equally transparent for high energy edge of solar spectrum, but the interface traps at the nitride/Si interface exhibit contradictory properties from those at the SiO2/Si interface in some aspects. No interlayer SiO2 interlayer Si3N4 interlayer Voc (V) 1.5886 1.6371 1.5912 Jsc (mA/cm2) 6.4706 6.8454 6.6136 FF (%) 48.439 52.2130 48.8326 Efficiency (%) 4.9791 5.8513 5.1390 Table 1- Output characteristics of the solar cell based on different interlayer The output characteristics as shown in Table 1 are relatively important in determining the performance of solar cells based on different interlayer. It can be seen that SiO2gives a higher Voc, Jsc, fill factor and efficiency compared to Si3N4. The addition of SiO2/Si3N4 nano structure interlayer between the Si and InGaN improves the Jsc by 5.79% and 2.21% respectively compared to the absence of interlayer. 4  Conclusion The effect of different interlayer on Si-based solar cell is studied. InGaN is not well suited fordirectgrowthonsiliconsubstrate. SiO2 has shown to be an excellent interlayer between Si and InGaN cell. It appears that suitable choice of interlayer is important to match the top cell and the bottom cell. The interlayer also will give a significant effect on its quantum efficiency and total current density. 5 Acknowledgement I would like to thank Pusat Penyelidikan dan Inovasi UMS and Kerajaan Malaysia for the funding of this project (Project code: FRG0307-TK-1/2012). References: C.Y.Liuet al.,Nitride-based concentrator solar cells grown on Si substrates, Solar Energy Materials Solar Cells117(2013)54–58 Miro Zeman Janez Krc. Electrical and Optical Modelling of Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells.MRS Proceedings. Vol. 989. No. 1. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Krost, Alois, and Armin Dadgar. GaN-based optoelectronics on silicon substrates.Materials Science and Engineering: B93.1 (2002): 77-84. Eujune Lee et, al., IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 30, No. 5, May 2009 Sinje K-C et. al., 26th EU PVSEC European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Exhibition, 05-09 Sept., 2011 L. A. Vilbois et al., Simulation of a Solar Cell Based on InGaN, Energy Procedia 18 ( 2012 ) 795 – 806 El Gmili, Y., et al. Multilayered InGaN/GaN structure vs. single InGaN layer for solar cell applications: A comparative study.ActaMaterialia61.17 (2013): 6587-6596. Islam, Rafiqul, et al. MOVPE Growth of InxGa1-xN(x~0.4) and Fabrication of Homo-junction Solar Cells.Journal of Materials Science Technology(2012). Henini, Mohamed. Molecular beam epitaxy from research to mass-production, Newnes (1996): 33-36. Chang, J-Y., et al. Numerical Investigation of High-Efficiency InGaN-Based Multijunction Solar Cell. (2013): 1-1. Despeisse, M., et al. Resistive interlayer for improved performance of thin film silicon solar cells on highly textured substrate.Applied Physics Letters96.7 (2010): 073507-073507. Araà ºjo, Andreia, et al. Role of a disperse carbon interlayer on the performances of tandem a-Si solar cells.Science and Technology of Advanced Materials14.4 (2013): 045009. Liu, Yiming, Yun Sun, and Angus Rockett. A new simulation software of solar cells—wxAMPS.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells98 (2012): 124-128. Liu, Yiming, Yun Sun, and Angus Rockett. Batch simulation of solar cells by using Matlab and wxAMPS. InPhotovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2012 38th IEEE, pp. 000902-000905. IEEE, 2012.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

College Application Essay :: essays research papers

I am not a Martin Luther King, devoted to a movement, or a Christopher Columbus, devoted to a quest, or a Leonardo di Vinci, devoted to an image. Yet everyone needs some devotion in his life. I am a musician, a daughter, a Christian, a traveler, a sister, a friend, an animal lover, a writer, and many things besides. The biggest dilemma for me is finding ways to fuse these different parts of myself into a recognizable person. I would need several lifetimes to pursue all of my dreams individually, so they must become one dream, one working vessel of passion. So how can I mix my zeal for music, for example, with my need to write? They are one in the same for me, really, both means of ardent expression of sadness or anger or joy. The experience that brought about the conception of my understanding is starkly fixed in my memory. I was at a concert featuring one of Schubert’s Suites for String Quartet and my lack of familiarity with the work only served to heighten my already bursting excitement. They were late getting started and the audience around me fidgeted and chattered. I ignored them, sitting still in my seat, tense with anticipation. Finally the lights dimmed and a pregnant silence took hold. Despite my expectancy I was unprepared for the sudden eruption of applause like a bomb detonating in the hall as the four black figures strode onto the stage. Reminding me of Virginia Woolf’s description in The String Quartet, the performers â€Å"seated themselves facing the white squares under the downpour of light, rested the tips of their bows on the music stand, [and] with a simultaneous movement lifted them.† I leaned forward on my seat, straining to hear the first note even befo re it sounded. With an almost telepathic communication from the first violin, it began. From that moment I was lost. The audience, the musicians, even the music itself was forgotten, swept away by the surge of emotions that engulfed me. As I listened, or rather encountered the exquisite performance, for it was more intimate than listening, I realized with more force than ever before, that this was what I wanted to do. I wanted to make people feel like this when I sang.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Austria And Prussia 1815 - 1850 :: essays research papers

How did the relationship between Austria and Prussia develop after 1815 and before 1850?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The relationship between Austria and Prussia developed a lot during the era of economic wealth, revolution and war. Many governments were restored in Europe (after the defeating Napoleon). Legitimate monarchy was set up meaning the hereditary ruling families would be restored to their old thrones. This was agreed partly because it was seen as a more stable and suitable system suited to peace. Also Metternich, the Austrian Chancellor, saw it as a useful way to prevent the Russians and Prussian from gaining extra territory. It was also very difficult for the Russians and Prussians to argue it because it was their own system. The principle was not applied universally and both Austria and Prussia suffered because their heirs were mentally unstable and who in fact were mad. The Tsar put forward a proposal at the Congress that the Great Powers of Russia, Austria and Prussia should agree to act jointly, using force if necessary, to restore any governments which had itself been overthrown by force. This was known as the Protocol of Troppau. This was a very disastrous to the liberals and nationalist everywhere who were trying to set up a better system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The defeat of Napoleon was a great encouragement to nationalism, and the idea of an independent united Germany had an emotional appeal. This was very appealing to many young university students, who often express themselves in romantic, passionate and impractical ways. The Carlsbad Decrees was set up to enforce press censorship, disbanded student societies, and introduce a commission to investigate revolutionary movements The formation of the Zollvein Union was one of the very first real steps that individualize Prussia from the other German states. Prussia increased their economic leadership, especially as she had successfully excluded Austria from the Zolleverin, but although Austria still retained political leadership in Germany. This relationship greatly separated Austria and Prussia. One major problem arose where the relationship of Austria and Prussia should have shared influence in the unified German Confederation or to have only Prussia as the major power speaker for Germany. The parliament was separated by different fractions of members who some wanted a Grossdeutshland (Great Germany) which would include Austria in to the unified Germany and some who wanted a Kleindeutshland (Little Germany) which would exclude Austria and include the whole of Prussia. The Zollverin encourage the growth of railways, improvements in road and thus begin the Industrial Revolution.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a fast paced play full of dramatic tension. Discuss how the portrayal of sex/sexuality fuels that tension, increasing the dramatic effect. Choose some but not all of the possible examples you might used â€Å"Cat On A Hot Tin Roof,† Written by Tennessee Williams is an excellent play about a troubled family that is dealing with buried acts of deception, conflict and tension. Along with these problems comes sexuality and sex, a very important aspect of the play which increases the dramatic effect. The pressure between husband and wife created by sexual tensions.The need for Brick to be seen as a man by repressing homosexual feelings from the world by turning to the effects of alcohol. Maggie’s sexual frustration with her husband who refuses to show her the passion she is longing. The frustration Big Daddy feels from not being sexually attracted to his wife. The relationship between Big Daddy and Brick, how they are more alike then they seem to be. These are among the main problems concerning sexuality escalating dramatic tension in this play. The sexual tension between Brick and Maggie is one of the most commonly occurring conflicts throughout the play.Brick and Maggie are a couple in the play who have two opposite feelings for each other. In Act 1 Maggie says to Brick â€Å"You look so cool, so cool, so enviably cool† the quote presents Brick to be represented to the audience as a man who is self contained, cool, untouchable and perfect physically. He physically embodies a real man. Maggie see’s herself as a women who is dissatisfied, ignored, and exhausted from sharing her desires with Brick as he does not feel the same way. Maggie refers to herself as a cat on a hot tin roof loving someone knowing that the love cannot be returned.Maggie confession to Brick about their relationship only increases the tensions between the two characters and forces Maggie to question their friendship for something much stronger . Maggie becomes bitter and anxious like a cat, she takes into account that without Brick’s love she will remain childless, and that they will be less favored to Big Daddy his heir and their position in his household will be put at risk. Brick, self concerned and rugged. Throughout the play, Brick continues to wash away all of his troubles and problems by drinking excessively.This is a problem that he has developed to separate himself from the problems. â€Å"One man has one great good true thing in his life. One great good thing which is true! I had a friendship with Skipper. You are naming it dirty! † This quote from Act 1 shows Brick acting out at Maggie for implying that his and Skippers relationship was more than just a friendship. This is the first time these implications are made and the first time in the play that Brick looses his cool, he links thoughts of homosexuality with disgust.This shows that the implications could be true, because when Maggie shares her own sexual approach, he reacts in a cool, calm and a completely removed manner, not showing any signs of concern. â€Å"You two had something that had to be kept on ice, yes, incorruptible, yes! † Maggie continues on about Brick’s relationship with Skipper, forcing Brick to acknowledge the fact that he did have homosexual feelings for his best friend rather than continuously mourning his death over the fact that his feelings had to be kept in secret from society.Bricks main goal is to keep his masculinity intact â€Å"Why can’t exceptional friendship.. Between two men be respected† Brick is disturbed by the fact that his desire is jeopardizing his masculinity, something that he cannot throw away because of sharing the possibility of his homosexuality. Big Daddy, the large â€Å"Mississippi Redneck† is the millionaire father of the family, effected with cancer unknowingly. Brick is the only one who knows, and hides it. Big Daddy believes that he ha s come back from the dead, realizing that his money cannot buy him happiness.His sexual life is now brought back into the picture. He was never pleased with his wife and did not love her the time they were married, he wants to explore sex again now that he has a second chance. This is much like Brick and Maggie’s current relationship, except Brick’s preference in gender, showing how alike Brick is to his father. He has a strong affection for his son Brick, who reminds him very much of himself. For this reason he wants Brick to be the heir to his throne. The only way to achieve this is if Brick and Maggie provide a grandchild for Big Daddy to continue his legacy.Although the possibility of this grandchild in unlikely because of Brick and Maggie’s sexual relationship. â€Å"Now, hold on.. I knocked around in my time† When Big Daddy finally learns the truth about his son’s sexuality he confesses his experimentation as a growing man, it is here that Br ick and Big Daddy are more alike than ever. Now that the truth behind Brick’s sexuality is revealed he tells Big Daddy that he is still dying from cancer. â€Å"You told me! I told you! † As a result of Big Daddy forcing Brick to face his homosexuality, Brick forces Big Daddy to receive the news of his inevitable death.Now Big Daddy is occupying the position that Brick has just gotten out of, Brick is revealing and Big Daddy is receiving. Sexuality and sex in this play does increase the dramatic tension between the characters. It is something that effects everyone in the play somehow. The examples above are only three of many others. The relationship between Maggie and Brick, is almost completely dependent on Bricks sexuality, even his excessive drinking is strongly related to his sexuality.He knows that he cannot be the heir to Big Daddy without a child, yet still chooses not to engage in sexual relations with Maggie. This makes Maggie greatly concerned about her plac e in the household. Big Daddy comes to a sort of revelation, thinking he has been given a second life. He acts cruel with his wife, because he accepts the fact that he never truly loved her and has been hiding his sexual appetite their entire marriage. The dramatic effect in this play is lead by sexuality and sex, it acts as foundation that builds up to vital events in the play.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Comparison/Contrast Between American Indians Essay

Over 400 years ago, the Powhatan Indians inhabited a place called Jamestown, Virginia. Their every-day life was disrupted, though, when, in 1607, a ship carrying men from England came to claim their land, making Jamestown their new capital. This could have been seen as a bright opportunity for both parties: the Powhatan Indians could have shared their knowledge of the land they occupied, and the English could have shared some of the skills and technology brought over with them. But, of course, the two groups found that they had many differences. They had a hard time sharing and trading because of how different they were, such as in their belief systems, materials and resources, and their living environments to name a few. As stated before, the Powhatan Indians and the English had different belief systems. For example, the English, much like many Americans today, were monotheist, believing in only one god. The Natives, on the other hand, believed that there were many gods. There were not only differences in their religious beliefs, though. For instance, the Powhatan Indians honored their women and treated them with a high respect. They believed that women were the â€Å"giver of life† in society, therefore they were greatly valued. The Colonists, on the other hand, believed that women were property. Land ownership was a conflict as well. While the Indians believed that the land was something that was Mother Earth’s and could not be owned, the English claimed land as theirs every chance they got. Another difference between the Powhatan Indians and the Settlers was resources and how they were used. The Natives, for example, used hand-made weapons and tools that were made of stone. With the English, though, came their knowledge of metal, meaning that they had more advanced tools and weapons made of this material. There was a difference in the types of foods as well. Back in England, when one referred to â€Å"corn†, it was meant as anything in the wheat family. When the English came to the New World, though, they were introduced to the Indians’ version of corn: maize. This wasn’t the best thing, because when the settlers ate the maize, they became very sick, as they weren’t used to it. The two parties in some ways had similar living environments. For instance,  both the Indians and the English had religious gathering areas. For the English, there was a large church where everyone gathered for prayer. The Indians, on the other hand, had a dance circle where the people gathered. Houses in the two environments were different as well. The Indians built semi-permanent houses called Yehakins. The Yehakins had a hut-like structure to them with fire-pits in the center. The English had more structured houses that were shaped just like houses seen today. They were rectangular with straight roofs on top, and a fireplace rather than a fire-pit. Because of differences in their housing structures, they also had different cooking procedures. The Indians cooked things using an open fire outside. The Colonists used a technique in their fireplaces called â€Å"down-hearth cooking.† Eventually more and more English came to live the new life in the New World. With them they brought more and more of the English culture, making more conflicts between them and the Powhatan Indians. The Settlers starting claiming a little more of the native land every day, making it hard for the Indians to live in such a small space. Although there was a lot of potential for both parties to grow from each other, differences got in the way, in some cases causing more diminishing of the cultures than growth.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Betty Parris

The character Betty Parris plays an important role in the story of the Crucible. As one of the girls who danced in the forest she is part of the play’s central conflict. She is the cause of the townspeople blaming witchcraft in the first place and she is also part of the reason that most of the characters are killed by the end of the fourth act. Through her actions over the course of the play, Betty is shown to be fearful, easily-manipulated, and an attention-seeker. In the Crucible, one of Betty’s main characteristics is her fearfulness.When her father catches her in the woods, she immediately faints to avoid any punishment and continues to pretend to be in a coma for a while after. Abigail convinces Reverend Parris that â€Å"Betty was frightened and then she fainted† (pg. 833) but it seems like what really happened was she was clever enough to avoid being reprimanded. She is also fearful of Abigail. After Betty wakes up, Abigail tells her that Reverend Parris knows everything and this causes her to â€Å"springs off the bed, and rush across room to window† (pg. 837) because she is afraid of what might happen.She is harassed and struck by Abigail after talking about Abigail’s charm to kill Goody Proctor and this causes her to submit to Abigail’s demands that no one speaks of what she did in the forest. Her fear of Abigail leads to her joining Abigail and the other girls throughout the rest of the play even though she seems to resent them. Another main characteristic of Betty is her tendency to be easily-manipulated. As one of the members of the group of girls who danced in the woods, she becomes a part of Abigail’s web of lies and deceit.At first she resists Abigail until Abigail threatens to come to her â€Å"in the black of some terrible night† (pg. 837) if she says anything about the charm. After that, she follows Abigail and the rest of the girls as they condemn the people of the town as well as when they lie in the courthouse and pretend to see Mary’s spirit attacking them. She follows Abigail’s every action and mimics anything that she does. This lets her lead Betty to do horrible things to people just because Betty is unable to stand up to Abigail.In the Crucible, Betty is also shown to be an attention-seeker. As a younger girl, she has the natural need for people to pay attention to her. This need is further amplified by her lack of mother, which leaves her fewer people to entertain her. When she is thought to be unconscious, many people come from all over town to visit her. Among these people is Mercy Lewis who claims to have wanted â€Å"to see how Betty is† (pg. 836). This may be another reason that Betty joins Abigail and the other girls in their escapades.She just needs the attention that the townspeople give them for condemning all the witches. One thing that shows Betty’s attention-seeking is when the psalm can be heard outside of the bedr oom, Betty â€Å"claps her ear suddenly, and whines loudly† (pg. 839). This action convinces everyone that Betty cannot hear the Lord’s name and the others mark it as a sign of witchcraft. Another example of this trait is shown when all the other girls are shouting out names in Parris’ house. When Betty begins to convict people with them, she stands on top of her bed as she does it.Even though Abigail and the other girls are all doing the same thing, Betty still wants the attention and so to stand apart from the others she puts herself on a higher pedestal to be seen. Through her fainting in the woods, to her participation in Abigail’s convictions, Betty Parris is shown to be fearful, easily-manipulated, and an attention-seeker. Her role in the Crucible is an important one that drives the plot and is the cause for anyone thinking witchcraft is involved in the first place.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Shc 3.4 Health & Safety, Risk Additional

CYP Core 3. 4 Support children and young people’s health and safety 1. Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety. 1. 3Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments and services. As a childcare provider it is my responsibility for the safety of the children in my care. There are a number of legal and regulatory guidance to help protect children and adults in my setting.All staff should be made aware of any potential hazards such as, security, fire, food safety, physical, personal and keeping up to date training on how to deal with these and maintain every one safety, including visitors, family and other colleagues in my setting. The most important legislation in a child care setting is the EYFS that covers all aspect of the welfare of children and young people in all early years setting. NICMA Public Liability Guidance/ Insurance The child minding body which un dertakes public liability insurance for all children within my setting for any claims of injury against the provider.Private Business Car Insurance Car Insurance which covers minded children in my setting for outings and travel between providers home and school environment. Smoking Ban In my setting there is non- smoking policy. Healthly Eating Within my setting I promote a healthly eating plan and advise parents on healthly snacks/foods. Daily Exercise On a daily basis I promote daily exercise weather permitted, for example walking or activities in the garden. Access NI Checks These are carried out on all persons that are entering premises during working hours and children living within the childcare setting over the age of 11 to be vetted also.BSI Kitemark All play equipment within my setting comply with BSI Kitemarks Once every year my setting gets a yearly inspection by a social worker to make sure I meet all the requirements of an early years setting to provide a safe environme nt for children and young people. 3. Understand how to support children and young people to assess and manage risk for them. 3. 2 Explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of children and young people and health and safety requirements. The UN convention on the Rights of the Child clearly identifies the rights of children and young people to learn and develop into adults and be protected from harm† Tassoni 2010 page 145. You can also refer to the Children’s NI order 1995 which refers to all childrens rights to development, and safety rights. Childcare providers have a responsibility to be active in creating the conditions that make children feel that almost anything is possible and achievable. â€Å"The challenge for carers is balancing the need for safety of the child against the need for children and young people to explore risks. Meggitt page 150 Children learn a lot from trying out new experiences for themselves. Many children do not have the experience an d knowledge to judge whether it is a safe choice to explore their own levels of risk taking. Parents and carers have the responsibility to decide the activity is safe and identify possible hazards as children and young people may not make the correct judgement, however children and young people should be given the opportunity to explore in a safe environment under supervision.If we do not enable children to explore risk taking activities they will seek them out when adults are not around. Children and young people need to explore their own levels of risk, but always in a safe environment and with an adult who is able to administer first aid if an accident should happen. We aim to make children aware of health and safety issues to minimise the hazards and risk to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment. We ensure that the environment that the children are playing in is regularly checked before and during activities. . Understand appropriate responses to accide nts, incidents emergencies and illness in work settings and off site visits. 4. 2 Identify the correct procedures for recording and reporting accidents, incidents, injuries, signs of illness and other emergencies Reporting and recording accidents and incidents, signs of illness and other emergencies: The occurrence of an accident should be reported immediately to the parents/emergency contact name given to me the childcare provider. A procedure for reporting and recording accidents goes in the Accident Report Book.In my setting I need to ensure that I know all relevant procedures and how to deal with them, as I work alone and it’s my sole responsibility to report, record and inform parents and other professionals of all issues relating to the welfare and well-being of children in my setting. It is a legal responsibility to record any incidents or accidents that occur during my day as a childcare provider, as well as the steps taken to manage the incident. Recording these deta ils will help to identify any trends or common incidents that occur, as well as areas that could be addressed to improve safety.This record will be vital in the possible event of legal action. A copy of the illness and injury report form should be submitted to the relevant person. When documenting the occurrence of an illness or injury, briefly note it in the relevant box on the session plan and then record the full details on an illness and injury report form or in an accident record book. At least the following details should be recorded: 1. Date, time and place of incident. 2. Name of ill/injured person. 3. Details of ill/injured and any first aid given. 4. What happened to the casualty immediately afterwards (e. . did the child continue to participate in the days activities, or where they sent home/admitted to hospital, etc) 5. Name and signature of person dealing with the incident. If a child, or member of staff or other visitors goes to hospital from my setting I must inform R IDDOR. If a child is seriously injured I must report the accident/incident to the Health & Safety Executive. I always go back to current policies and procedures within my setting as they can and do change. I take guidance and advice from the social worker in charge of my local area.

Burial at Thebes

Mia Britton Mrs. Baker DRA 110 4 March 2013 The Burial at Thebes The play Burial at Thebes is a modern translation of Antigone by Sophocles and Seamus Heaney is credited for this recent translation. The plot structure used in Heaney’s work can be described as episodic. This play stands out as episodic because of its early point of attack. For example, at the start of the opening scene Antigone approaches her sister Ismene with news that King Creon has issued a proclamation that their brothers body should not receive a proper burial, and that anyone trying to bury him will be stoned to death.She intends to resist the law and bury Polynecies but, Ismene refuses to assist Antigone. Therefore, Antigone disowns Ismene and pledges never to accept her aid. Another example of episodic play structure in The Burial at Thebes when Eurydice hears from the messengers the death of her son she leaves in silence and King Creon returns with his dead son Haemon in his arms. The messengers appro ach King Creon with grievous news that his wife Eurydice has taken her life. These examples prove that Seamus Heaney’s work is episodic because after one incident another incident approaches.The protagonist can be defined as the central character in a play or the person who the story is about and experiences the most changes. In Seamus Heaney’s play there are two possible protagonists Antigone and Ismene. Antigone can be considered a protagonist because the play revolves around her rebelling against the King and his resolution to not bury her brother’s body. Another protagonist is Ismene because during the opening scene she tells Antigone that she will not assist her in burying her brother.As the course of the play continues Ismene realizes what is right and defends her sister against King Creon by saying that she will die along with her sister. Ismene also tries to convince King Creon to not take her sisters life by asking him whether he would kill the bride of his son since Haemon is meant to marry Antigone. Ismene’s attitude changes from a noble citizen to that of a martyr. An antagonist can be defined as a person who is opposed to the protagonist or the goal of the protagonist. In Burial atThebes King Creon appears to be the antagonist because he is against burying or awarding any ceremonial rights to Antigone and Ismenes brother. As the play begins King Creon tells the elders of Thebes that anyone who awards a proper burial for Polyneices would be put to death. When King Creon finds about Antigone’s actions he declares that both sisters will be put to death. Antigone explains that she knew of his decree and she only answers to Zeus, the gods didn't lay down these laws for manipulation, and that she will endure the god's judgment for the burial.King Creon decides that he doesn’t want the blood of Antigone on his hand so he believes the best way to take her life is by burying her under rocks with food. These acts ma de by King Creon are evidence that he is the antagonist in the play Burial at Thebes. The play Burial at Thebes was intended to teach and educate its audience on societies and politics. Seamus Heaney displays a powerful King that doesn’t take advice from anyone. A few examples of King Creon not heeding to advice is first seen when his son Haemon tries to urge him to be open to both opinions.He dismisses his son calling him a woman slave. Even the elders’ question King Creon’s by stating that he should listen to his son’s request. Creon becomes irritated and questions the elders whether they should be taught by a young boy. King Creon was also approached by Teirasis and says, â€Å"The gods do not take the prayers or sacrifices of the Thebans, and the birds' cries are muffled because the birds' throats are glutted with the blood of Polyneices†. Teiresias explains the significance of taking counsel, and says that a man who makes a mistake and then co rrects it brings no shame on himself.King Creon once again does not heed to wise counsel and believes that just because he has authoritative power that he doesn’t require counsel. Seamus Heaney also exhibits bravery in his characters in which his audience members can learn from. For example, not only did Antigone represent bravery, but Haemon exemplified Bravery by standing up to his father. These acts of bravery appeared small at the beginning, but towards the end of the play they actually made a difference. All in all, these examples proved that Seamus Heaney’s work is educational and displayed politics.

Friday, September 13, 2019

American Public Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

American Public Law - Essay Example The settlement agreement and order cannot prohibit Americans from using travel dates that correspond to travel dates placed by another airline on a published government of military contract. This clause helps airlines from escaping from abiding to contract obligations between two parties and the damage occurred during travel without direct or intentional involvement of the airlines staff or management. As the airlines are not compelling the passenger to travel in their carriers on the date fixed on the ticket, the probability of paying of compensation for injuries caused by tort acts that have no enough witness to prove the involvement of airlines is less. However, one can retain the record of the dates of such travel and the specific fares. 1 In general tort litigation has been blamed for liability insurance to excessive levels. This may reduce real wages and overall employment and thus refrains the administrations from incorporating the compulsion of paying for tort injuries by the carriers or managements of the organisations like airlines and other transport organisations. The contexts of tort contexts are even reducing the willingness of corporations and individuals to pay for even reasonable risks. There is a scant evidence for these claims that are paid for. One more reason for absence of compensation for torts of certain instances is due to the serious harm done for the economy during early 1990s. Though the tort is a wrongful act, damage or injury done wilfully, there is a need to prove the intention of the doer in the absence of substantial evidence like in the cases mentioned for this paper. As the injury is not due to breach of contract, or it is not violation of the circumstances that involve strict liability, though a violation exists, the payment of compensation will be much lesser than that expected by plaintiff or in some cases no need of compensation except for medical and legal costs. One suggestion that can arise from the situation mentioned for this paper is that the administration or airlines may suggest an insurance cover for short term travel or an insurance cover for the passengers travelling with an extra charge of fare. Though the Brainair charges extra than other airlines, the non utilisation of services mentioned for that extra charge do not give any chance for the plaintiff to get compensation for the injury he has been inflicted due to negligence or incorrect operation of the apparatus. In general, there are instances of transferring payments from wrongdoers to victims and to have compensation from this aspect, the plaintiff should find the wrongdoer and prove his claim on it. As it has been mentioned that the fall of suitcase on plaintiff's head is not finding enough e vidence regarding the negligence of staff or malfunctioning of bin, there is little chance to get compensation, until the plaintiff is able to decide the cause for the fall. If it is due to negligence of the staff, the plaintiff can get transfer of payment from the staff of carrier and if it is due to the malfunctioning of the bin, the brainair can be held responsible for paying compensation. Another aspect that is against the paying for compensation is inflated costs in Tort Costs 2004 report in US. As the approach followed by different organisations and candidates is different,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Examine the new policies proposed to solve the financial and sovereign Essay

Examine the new policies proposed to solve the financial and sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Your report should include a brief - Essay Example Understanding complex economic relationship in layman’s view point will be the crux of this essay. In the third part, the study will analyze proposed solution for resolving sovereign debt crisis in terms of advantages and disadvantages for countries with high credit ratings. In the last section, the essay will summarize the personal view of the researcher on sovereign debt crisis. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Sovereign Debt Crisis 4 Banking System and Sovereign Debt Crisis 5 Analysis of Proposed Solution for Solving Sovereign Debt Crisis 9 Reference 11 Appendices 13 Introduction The essay will try to shed some light on new policies which are being proposed to solve the financial and sovereign debt crisis in Europe. The essay will try to analyze these policies in terms of their capability of resolving sovereign debt crisis. Aim of this report to analyze real underlying problems related to sovereign debt crisis. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2011) has reported that European banking sector failure and sovereign debt crisis is correlated; hence the study has the scope to analyze issues related to sovereign debt crisis on the ground of banking sector failure in Europe. Sovereign Debt Crisis Research scholars such as Barr (2010) have stated that sovereign debt crisis started during 2009 in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain or PIIGS economies. Boyes (2009) and Gross (2009) have stated that fiscal deficit of PIIGS economies was increased during 2009 as a result of sovereign debt crisis. Papadimas and Graham (2010) have stated that sovereign debt crisis was triggered due to high borrowing costs for Euro zone countries. Lynn (2010) has defined sovereign debt crisis as financial crisis which created problems for some European countries to re-finance or repay government debt without taking support from third party. Generally, economic performance of European countries is determined by their ability to settle their external debt obligation, level of fiscal deficit of a country is determined by country’s sovereign debt default risk (Pescartori and Sy, 2004). In such situation, if a country fails to repay external borrowings from international market with the help of issuance of bonds then economic growth of that country is bound to get hampered. Banking System and Sovereign Debt Crisis Regulation Economists have stated that European banks underpriced the risks which have contributed significantly to sovereign debt crisis. Risk-weighted asset optimisation of banks nullified the significance of Tier 1 ratio which is amended by Basel rules. Prior to sovereign debt crisis, banks were allowed to use internal derivatives to decrease risk associated with assets but unfortunately majority of European banks failed control leverage risks which was associated with rise of funding problems. In Europe, many of the banks tried to form capital market banking system in order to decrease risk asso ciated with high leverage ratio (Mody (2009); Gerlach et al (2010); Goldman Sachs Global Economics, 2010; and CGFS-BIS,2011). For example, investors went for short and long credit in capital market which increased risk for banks. Lack of efficient regulatory framework not only increased risks for banks but leveraged risk for investors also. Multilayer Relation Mouchakkaa (2012), who is Executive Director of Morgan Stanley Investment Management, has pointed out that â€Å"

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cost Accounting and Management Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cost Accounting and Management Decisions - Essay Example Company Description Alcoa is an American manufacturing organisation which deals in producing primary aluminium and fabricated aluminium. Furthermore, the organisation is also known as one of the biggest drillers of bauxite and refiner of alumina in an international context. The primary products of Alcoa are divided into two major categories which are aluminium products and non-aluminium products. Aluminium products of Alcoa comprise alumina, primary metals, flat-rolled products and engineered products and solutions. On the other hand, non-aluminium products of Alcoa include industrial fastenings, precision casting and aerospace products (Alcoa Inc, 2013). Impact of Changes in the Variable Cost / Fixed Cost Structure of Alcoa on Cost- Volume Profit Analysis Decisions by Managers Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is often argued to assist in taking decisions about business operations for any manufacturing organisation. It is applied as a method of inspecting the link between fixed and variable expenses with respect to number of manufacturing units and related profits. In order to use the CVP analysis, there is need for analysing the business operations obtaining an unambiguous understanding of fixed expenses incurred by the business in comparison to variable expenses. Therefore, any kind of changes in the fixed expense and variable expenses can impact on CVP analysis and product manufacturing decisions of a particular business like Alcoa. For instance, through CVP analysis, Alcoa can determine the cost of its products more accurately than the traditional method. As a CVP analysis develops a clear understanding of the fixed and variable costs incurred by a manufacturing firm, accountants and managers are likely to gain better control on the total costs of any product comprising certain fixed and variable components. With a better control on the total cost, these components can be used in order to clarify variations in product price as well as variations in expense s. As the number of quantity produced increases, per unit variable and fixed expenses are quite likely to decrease to a certain extent. Hence, per unit expenses will also reduce with respect to a decline in fixed and variable expenses rewarding the company with greater opportunity to serve its customers either with increased supply quantity or at a competitive price maintaining its profitability. Stating precisely, by understanding the fixed and variable expenses structure of Alcoa, the managers of the organisation can determine the level to which minimisation of prices of products would not compromise the profit gain per unit (Wiley, 2004). Analysis of the Current Cost System of Alcoa There are two major types of costing system which can be used by an organisation namely traditional costing system and Activity Based Costing (ABC) system. In this context, it has been observed that Alcoa uses the ABC costing system in its business operations for determining the cost of products as we ll as for framing its budgeting strategies (Krishnan, 2006). ABC system divides every manufacturing activity explicitly and determines the portion of overhead expenses which are used for manufacturing one unit of a product. Contextually, the ABC system makes possible for Alcoa to establish more comprehensive factory management structures. With an apparent view of cost of products grounded on ABC system, the managers of Alcoa are

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Employee Engagement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Employee Engagement - Research Paper Example The employees should have other things in mind than salary only so that their performance can be the best. For this purpose the relationships between people within an organization should work in a good environment. Employee engagement is the bondage an employee had with the organization which makes him put in efforts to work for the benefit of the company. Employee engagement involves the efforts of both the organization and the employees themselves. True commitment towards work is necessary by the employees. This can be attained by the organizations by encouraging the individuals to put in efforts for the benefit of the organization. Every person working in a team should be encouraged and added in the conversation. Feedback should also be taken by all the employees in an organization. When an employee feels that he is valued, motivated and encouraged then he works more hard, hence benefiting the organization. Employee engagement is hence an important factor for the businesses to run efficiently nowadays. Employee engagement can be improved by frequent communication, meetings and friendly conversations. For example, Stamm (2009) discussed that in a hospital there was a meeting arranged for improving employee engagement. The nurses felt that the doctor was not friendly towards them and never even smiled at them. On the other hand, the doctor was a concerned to do his surgeries with perfection. He found it shocking that the staff was not at ease with his attitude. According to him he was busy taking wise decisions for doing the best surgery for his patients and never paid attention to this fact. With the help of this discussion the nursing staff also got to know that the doctor was never intentionally rude with them. This made them work better with one another, helping each other more efficiently and focusing on their duties more than on the personal attitudes hence employee engagement was improved. World is getting more and more connected nowadays. People have b etter job opportunities and everyone wants to improve his income because he wants to get luxuries and comforts in his life. Employee should not work only for getting salary, he should own the company. Efforts are being made by companies to improve employee engagement as well. The personal goals of the employees are also important for improving employee engagement. In this assignment, the differences between individualism and collectivism are explored in detail. 2. Employee Engagement 2.1 What does Employee engagement mean? Employee engagement is the hot cake issue for organizations for the past several years. It is the amount of attachment or emotional bondage a person has with his organization and work. This bond makes the employee work at his best for benefitting the organization. It is all about to â€Å"own† an organization and work for it and to share the good and bad moments. According to Investopedia (2011), employee engagement is a management concept which is of great importance. It is the level of interest and devotion an employee has towards his job. For example, a person who works in a company and puts in efforts for the organization’s growth and profits and does not only works for money or salary and has devotion towards his job and company is an engaged employee. Organizational culture and its management contribute a lot in the employee engagement. According to Cook (2008), employee engagement is the amount of commitment an employee has towards his organization. It is the passion and energy the employee has towards putting in efforts for the betterment of his organization. For example the employee working in an

Monday, September 9, 2019

US History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

US History - Essay Example Zinn occurs to point out how the wicked weaknesses of men may be conveyed and discerned through their approach of treating women. Regardless of disposition, apparently, it is the inherent consideration of men to govern and create their choice of perception freely which sets a state of disturbance in equilibrium for which history can be schemed against to distribute strength eventually in such a way as for developing societies to realize all the dues of women at an instant of being oppressed. In the process of addressing such imbalance of natures and share of control, the shaping of history bears witness to slavery which is not merely confined to gender but to color discrimination as well and the attributes of the oppressors who are chiefly males with mixed gender affiliates. Consequently, the political struggle in an intimate oppression of several forms, designating women as sex slaves, child bearers, servants, and companions, would amount to an amply great cause for women to take a gradual course of action. In resolving to put the people’s history in a context of inequality between sexes as the principal issue of crises across times, women are bound to make an impact through stories that indicate paths to achieving sensible ends with each personal battle. This, as it turns out, is for the world to understand that history, as a deadly tool, is more than a demonstration of established laws, economies, and industries according to potentials that reside in men. By inferring â€Å"It would be an exaggeration to say that women were treated equally with men; but they were treated with respect, and the communal nature of the society gave them a more important place†, Zinn likely takes the position of persuading his readers toward the belief that gender inequality matters with huge influence and serves as a chronic disease that can only be dealt with by a

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Strategic Management - Integrative and Analytical Tools Assignment

Strategic Management - Integrative and Analytical Tools - Assignment Example This is to ensure customers satisfaction is achieved while the profitability of the company remains sustainable throughout its operations. In order to effectively analyze the new markets, several tools and techniques will be employed so get a comprehensive market picture. These tools include the SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis. A SWOT analysis is a universal tool used for assessing the internal position and capability of a company in relation to the prevailing market environment. SWOT is an acronym for the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing a company. The internal advantages of the company are analyzed and the vulnerable points are analyzed. This can be presented in a matrix form as shown below (Figure 1). The scrutiny of the strengths as well as the weaknesses will focus on the four internal areas of the company including the financials of the company, marketing capability, manufacturing and the organizational structure. The threats and opportunities will however seek to look at the environmental factors such as the markets economic situation, social factors and technological advancements. The value of a SWOT analysis is the ability of the results to determine the value of the company as stated by Neubert (2013). This will therefore assist in maximizing the strengths identified while minimizing the weaknesses to take gain of the opportunities accessible and conquer any looming threats to the business. The major benefits of using SWOT for analysis is the fact that it is simple to use and it requires minimal costs and training. PESTLE Analysis is used solely for analyzing the external factors that might affect a strategic business move. It is an acronym for Political, Economical, Social, Legal and Ecological factors that might affect a strategic move. The analysis of these factors therefore enables a business to formulate the best strategy of approaching global markets

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Potentials of the Next Generation Consumers of iPhone Essay

The Potentials of the Next Generation Consumers of iPhone - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that according to various kinds of literature, it has been widely accepted that a well-built marketing framework comprises certain essential strategic measures and approaches that further leverage marketers to make the long-term sustainability of their offerings within a particular business industry. In this similar context, a strong segmentation of market or target consumers can be asserted as one of the most effective approaches implemented by the organizations while marketing new brands within a particular business market. Moreover, an integrated marketing mix eventually facilitates implementation of strategies associated with product, place, price, and promotion and therefore, ensures the delivery of adequate opportunity to the organizations to build a strong market for their respective products and/or services. Marketing of a product and/or a service is duly considered to be the most effective practices of an organization in building i ts long-term sustainability in a particular industry or business market segment. To overcome the challenges presented by the current fiercely competitive scenario affecting contemporary organizations belonging to different business industries, an effective and well-built marketing plan plays a pivotal role not only to make the offered products successful but also to build a strong position of the products/services and gain competitive advantages through augmenting brand value on the whole. An effective marketing strategy may require the adoption of multiple tools and techniques that can enable marketers to gain significant insights and draw an exceptional brand image of the product in consumers’ mind. The aim of the discussion henceforth is to identify and assess the potentials of the next generation consumers of iPhone product line for Apple and propose marketing mix strategies that would assist the organization in gaining a competitive positioning over its close rivals. iPh one is commonly characterized as a particular product line of smartphones, which is designed, manufactured and marketed by one of the leading brands in the global Information Technology (IT) industry, Apple Inc. In the year 2007, the company launched the first generation of this product, which attracted a huge volume of tech-savvy customers from all around the globe.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Windows displays Essay Example for Free

Windows displays Essay Firstly I had to choose the idea for the window display. I searched internet, looked in windows displays to other shops, heard to the advice of friends and decided to choose brandy. I selected the brandy, because I saw many examples in other window displays and much information about the brandy can be found on the Internet. Secondly, I made a few pictures on similar windows displays in town for my story board. In my story board I used different colour from light yellow to brown. I chose these colours, because, when we hear the word of brandy, we mean the following colours: light yellow, amber, light brown and brown. After the new oak barrels for 7-8 months, the alcohol becomes a light golden colour and filled with tannins. After 4-5 years, this metamorphosis occurs. Brandy alcohol becomes soft, velvety and rich. This is reflected in the variety of flower and fruit colours, as well as in sweet vanilla flavour, which appear primarily due to the transformation of lignin extracted from the oak. This flavour is a feature of young brandies. After 8-10 years of aging cognac alcohol becomes more gentle and harmonious. Inherent flavours much benefit in force, saturation, and persistence. Most important a bouquet, which is clearly felt by the noble tone leather, tobacco and honey. After 20 years, a bouquet of brandy alcohol becomes more intense and complex. To the shades of leather, tobacco and honey notes added candied orange, resins, mushrooms and undergrowth. You are so-called Rance (rancho) the aroma of an old, slightly oxidized wine, a little reminiscent of the forest, and almonds. This is the main characteristic of the good old spirits, which with age have become stronger. Brandy gets pretty fiery colour. The natural decline in the inherent strength and reduces the burning sensation of alcohol. The older the brandy, the longer it persists aftertaste (up to several minutes). I chose this style of writing (Mongolian Baiti 28), because it is well suited to the topic. I chose these accessories: glass, barrel and bottle, because brandy is stored in barrels, then bottle it off and drink out of glass. I hope my accessories were noticeable. Avoid excess pressure from the edge of your seat on the backs of your legs and knees. A footrest may be helpful, particularly for smaller users. Always carry scissors with the tapered end towards the floor; when passing to another person pass handle first. In this project I made pictures, chose colour and completed first window display in my life. I think this is good experience for me in the future. Displays are very effective in attracting the passing public to enter the shop and make purchases. If the window display or display outside the shop is attractive it immediately gives the impression that the goods inside are of good quality.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How To Secure Routers And Switches Information Technology Essay

How To Secure Routers And Switches Information Technology Essay You have been approached by your manager give a talk on the Network security standard ISO 17799. Write a short precise detailing the purpose of this document and the main components within parts 1 and 2 of the document. ( Write a brief analysis detailing the possible threats and consequences for a company that does not have an adequate Security Policy. Write a summary of how an Edge router can be configured into a firewall; include detail of how it can be used to filter traffic. Describe the operation of CBAC Detail the encryption techniques that are used in VPN systems and explain how/when they are used. Describe how you can secure/harden routers and switches Router hardening, password requirements, ssh, parser views, etc Port security, vlan hopping, anti-snooping, private vlans Multi-choice Review Questions 1. In which type of attack does the potential intruder attempt to discover and map out systems, services, and vulnerabilities? stake out reconnaissance tapping sniffing 2. Which type of attack prevents a user from accessing the targeted file server? Reconnaissance attack Denial of service attack Prevention of entry attack Disruption of structure attack 3. Which type of action does the ping sweep pose to an organization? eavesdropping reconnaissance denial of service unauthorized access 4. An employee of ABC Company receives an e-mail from a co-worker with an attachment. The employee opens the attachment and receives a call from the network administrator a few minutes later, stating that the employees machine has been attacked and is sending SMTP messages. Which category of attack is this? B) denial of service trojan horse port scanning password attack social engineering 5. What is a major characteristic of a Worm? D) malicious software that copies itself into other executable programs tricks users into running the infected software a set of computer instructions that lies dormant until triggered by a specific event exploits vulnerabilities with the intent of propagating itself across a network 6. A large investment firm has been attacked by a worm. In which order should the network support team perform the steps to mitigate the attack? A) A. inoculation B. treatment C. containment D. quarantine C,A,D,B A,B,C,D A,C,B,D D,A,C,B C,B,A,D 7. At XYZ Company, the policy for network use requires that employees log in to a Windows domain controller when they power on their work computers. Although XYZ does not implement all possible security measures, outgoing traffic is filtered using a firewall. Which security model is the company using? D) open access closed access hybrid access Restrictive access 8. Which three of these are common causes of persistent vulnerabilities in networks? (Choose three.) new exploits in existing software misconfigured hardware or software poor network design changes in the TCP/IP protocol changes in the core routers on the Internet end-user carelessness 9. A new network administrator is assigned the task of conducting a risk assessment of the companys network. The administrator immediately conducts a vulnerability assessment. Which important task should the administrator have completed first? threat identification security level application patch and update deployment asset identification perimeter security upgrade 10. A company deployed a web server on the company DMZ to provide external web services. While reviewing firewall log files, the administrator discovered that a connection was made to the internal e-mail server from the web server in DMZ. After reviewing the e-mail server logs, the administrator discovered that an unauthorized account was created. What type of attack was successfully carried out? phishing port redirection trust exploitation man-in-the-middle 11. Users are unable to access a company server. The system logs show that the server is operating slowly because it is receiving a high level of fake requests for service. Which type of attack is occurring? reconnaissance access DoS worms, viruses, and Trojan horses 12. Which two are examples of Distributed Denial of Service attacks? (Choose two.) B) D) SYN Flood Stacheldraht Ping of Death Smurf WinNuke Targa.c 13. Which two of these are examples of DDoS network attacks? (Choose two.) A) B) smurf attack Tribal Flood Network (TFN) teardrop.c man-in-the-middle attack port redirection social engineering 14. Which two are technological weaknesses that can lead to a breach in an organizations security? (Choose two.) C) D) software compatibility weakness DHCP security weakness TCP/IP protocol weakness operating system weakness LDAP weakness 15. What is the effect of applying this command to a Cisco router? E) router(config)# no service finger UNIX commands are disabled on the router. All TCP/IP services are disabled. PING usage is disabled. Users logged into the router remotely will not be able to see if other users are logged into the router 16. A partial router configuration is shown in the graphic. The network administrator adds the following command at the router prompt. router(config)# security passwords min-length 10 Which of the following is correct? A) The current password will continue to be used as a valid password until changed. No password is required. The current password is invalid and will not allow a login. A password that is at least ten characters long must immediately be implemented for a successful login. 17. The Security Wheel promotes a continuous process to retest and reapply updated security measures. What is the core or à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"hubà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  component of the Security Wheel? D) testing policy monitor improve security policy 18. After providing for all operational requirements of the network, the network support team has determined that the servers should be hardened against security threats so that the network can operate at full potential. At which stage of the network life cycle does server hardening occur? E) planning design implementation operation optimization 19. A network administrator installs a new stateful firewall. Which type of security solution is this? secure connectivity threat defense policy enforcement trust and identity authentication 20. XYZ Company recently adopted software for installation on critical servers that will detect malicious attacks as they occur. In addition, the software will stop the execution of the attacks and send an alarm to the network administrator. Which technology does this software utilize? host-based intrusion detection host-based intrusion protection host-based intrusion prevention host-based intrusion notification 21. A security team is charged with hardening network devices. What must be accomplished first before deciding how to configure security on any device? Audit all relevant network devices. Document all router configurations. Create or update security policies. Complete a vulnerability assessment. 22. Which two objectives must a security policy accomplish? (Choose two.) provide a checklist for the installation of secure servers describe how the firewall must be configured document the resources to be protected identify the security objectives of the organization identify the specific tasks involved in hardening a router 23. Which router command will result in the router only accepting passwords of 16 characters or more? service password-encryption enable secret min-length 16 security passwords min-length 16 security passwords max-length 16 24. Which command will encrypt all passwords in the router configuration file? D) enable secret password encrypt all enable password-encryption service password-encryption no clear-text password 25. MD5 can be used for authenticating routing protocol updates for which three protocols? (Choose three.) B), D) E) RIPv1 RIPv2 IGRP EIGRP BGP 26. Which configuration will allow an administrator to access the console port using a password of password? B) router(config)# line aux 0 router(config-line)# login router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line console 0 router(config-line)# login router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line console 0 router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line console 0 router(config-line)# access router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line vty 0 router(config-line)# password password router(config)# line vty 0 router(config-line)# access router(config-line)# password password 27. Which command sets the inactivity timer, for a particular line or group of lines, to four minutes and fifteen seconds? E router(config)# line-timeout 4 15 router(config-line)# line-timeout 4 15 router(config-line)# exec-timeout 255 router(config-line)# timeout 255 router(config-line)# exec-timeout 4 15 router(config-line)# line-timeout 255 28. Which encryption type uses the MD5 hash algorithm? Type 0 Type 1 Type 5 Type 7 29. Which privilege level has the most access to the Cisco IOS? level 0 level 1 level 7 level 15 level 16 level 20 30. Which algorithm implements stateful connection control through the PIX Security Appliance? Network Address Translation Algorithm Access Control Security Algorithm Adaptive Security Algorithm Spanning Tree Protocol Algorithm 31. The Cisco Security Device Manager (SDM) allows administrators to securely configure supported routers by using which security protocol in Microsoft Internet Explorer? B) IPSec SSL SSH L2TP PPTP 32. A network administrator has received a Cisco PIX Security Appliance from another division within the company. The existing configuration has IP addresses that will cause problems on the network. What command sequence will successfully clear all the existing IP addresses and configure a new IP address on ethernet0? B) pix1(config)# clear ip all pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address pix1(config)# clear ip pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address pix1(config)# no ip address pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address pix1(config)# clear ip pix1(config)# interface ethernet0 pix1(config-if)# ip address 33. A network team is configuring a Cisco PIX Security Appliance for NAT so that local addresses are translated. The team is creating a global address pool using a subnet of network with a 27-bit mask. What is the proper syntax to set up this global address pool? B) pix1(config)# global (inside) 1 pix1(config)# global (outside) 1 pix1(config)# global (inside) 1 pix1(config)# global (outside) 1 pix1(config)# global (inside) 1 pix1(config)# global (outside) 1 34. A network administrator has configured an access control list on the Cisco PIX Security Appliance that allows inside hosts to ping outside hosts for troubleshooting. Which debug command can be used to troubleshoot if pings between hosts are not successful? debug icmp inside outside debug ping debug icmp trace debug trace icmp 35. Which protocol provides time synchronization? STP TSP NTP SMTP L2TP 36. Which command would configure a PIX Security Appliance to send syslog messages from its inside interface to a syslog server with the IP address of D pixfirewall(config)# syslog inside pixfirewall(config)# logging inside pixfirewall(config)# syslog host inside pixfirewall(config)# logging host inside 37. The configuration in the graphic has been entered into a PIX Security Appliance with three interfaces. The interfaces are inside, outside, and DMZ. What source address range will the traffic from inside devices use when they access devices in the DMZ? to to to to to 38. What source IP address will the traffic from devices in the network have when they leave the trusted network? C) always always if ports are available, or if ports are exhausted if ports are available, or if ports are exhausted 39. The commands in the graphic have been entered into a PIX Security Appliance. Which two statements are accurate descriptions of what will happen to outgoing traffic when it leaves the trusted network? (Choose two.) B) C) The source IP address will be from a pool of addresses in the to range. The source port will be a random port above port 1023. The source IP address will be for all outgoing traffic. The source port will be port 1024. The source IP address will be in the range to 40. Interface Ethernet3 on a PIX Security Appliance has been configured with three subinterfaces to pass tagged traffic from three different VLANs. What protocol will be used to tag the VLAN traffic? ISL 802.1x VTP 802.1q 41. Which two commands will configure a static default route on the PIX Security Appliance in the network shown in the graphic? (Choose two.) route inside outside 1 route outside 1 ip route inside outside 0 0 1 route outside 0 0 1 ip route inside outside 0 0 1 route outside 0 0 1 42. How are transactions between a RADIUS client and a RADIUS server authenticated? by using a shared secret which is never sent over the network by hashing the secret using MD5 and then sending it over the network by hashing the secret using MD4 and then sending it over the network by using a clear-text password and then sending it over the network 43. RADIUS uses which transport layer protocol? C) IP TCP UDP ICMP DLC 44. Which authentication method is susceptible to playback attacks? C) passwords using S/KEY passwords using token card passwords requiring periodic change passwords using one-time password technology 45. Which authentication method sends passwords over the network in clear text yet protects against eavesdropping and password cracking attacks? C) authentication with FTP authentication with Telnet authentication with S/KEY authentication in POP3 e-mail 46. After a security audit, network managers realized that the authentication method used by their telecommuting employees needed to be improved. They set up a server and installed client software on the employee laptops of their remote users. They also provided a device for each remote user that generated a password every time they needed to make a remote network connection. Which authentication technology does this process describe? B) authentication with S/KEY authentication with token card authentication with encrypted password authentication with compressed password 47. What function does a digital certificate offer to information security? C) authorization accounting nonrepudiation intrusion prevention 48. Bookline Inc., an online bookstore, recently installed a web server running Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. Where should the company obtain a digital signature for the web server in order to assure customers that they are connecting to Booklines server and not an impersonating web server? a digital signature generated by the CA in Microsofts corporate headquarters a digital signature generated by the CA from a trusted third party a digital signature generated by the CA from a government agency a digital signature generated by any CA that establishes a secure connection 49. A large law firm wishes to secure dialup access to its corporate network for employees working at home. Since much of the data to be transmitted is highly confidential, the firm requires a high level of encryption and also prefers that each component of AAA be provided separately. Which security protocol best meets these requirements? TACACS XTACACS TACACS+ RADIUS 50. What are three reasons TACACS+ is preferred over RADIUS for authentication services? (Choose three.) RADIUS has limited name space for attributes. RADIUS is not an industry supported standard. TACACS+ encrypts the entire TACACS+ packet. TACACS+ authentication is included with more recent Windows Server versions. TACACS+ separates authentication and authorization. RADIUS uses TCP as a transport protocol creating additional overhead 51. A static username/password authentication method is susceptible to which three types of attacks? (Choose three.) playback theft teardrop syn flood eavesdropping 52. Company security policy requires the use of a centralized AAA server for network access authentication. Which two protocols are supported by the AAA server? (Choose two.) C) D) IPSec SSL RADIUS TACACS+ SSH 53. Which three are functions of AAA? (Choose three.) A), C) E) accounting availability authentication architecture authorization accessibility 54. A network administrator wishes to use port-level authentication technology to determine network access and assign IP addresses from different DHCP pools to authenticated and unauthenticated users. What standardized framework supports this objective? A) IEEE 802.1x IEEE 802.11af IEEE 802.1q IEEE 802.1p 55. What will be the result of executing the command in the graphic? C) The default login method will use TACACS+ only. TACACS+ accounting will be enabled at login. The enable password will be used if a TACACS+ server is not available. The default TACACS+ user shell will be enabled. 56. Which AAA service reduces IT operating costs by providing detailed reporting and monitoring of network user behavior, and also by keeping a record of every access connection and device configuration change across the network? authentication accreditation accounting authorization 57. What tool should you use to add a single user account to the Cisco Secure ACS for Windows user database? database replication Unknown User Policy RDBMS Synchronization Cisco Secure ACS HTML interface 58. Refer to the exhibit. Which two services can the network access server use to direct requests from the remote user to the Cisco Secure ACS authentication service? (Choose two.) CSAuth CSUtil RADIUS RDBMS TACACS+ 59. RTA(config)# tacacs-server key [emailprotected]? RTA(config)# tacacs-server host RTA(config)# tacacs-server host What will be the effect of these commands on router RTA? C) The TACACS+ server is now authenticating for the hosts and The TACACS+ server key has been exported to the hosts and The TACACS+ servers and and the router have been set to share the same authentication key. The TACACS+ servers are and and the configuration adds router RTA as a third TACACS+ server. 60. RTA(config)# aaa new-model RTA(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ enable After entering the configuration shown, the administrator loses the connection to the router before having the chance to create a new TACACS+ account. What is the easiest way for the administrator to regain administrative access to router RTA? C) Connect to the router, and use the default TACACS+ username and password. Erase NVRAM, and redo the configuration from scratch. Connect to the router, and supply the enable password. Perform a password recovery procedure on the router 61. Which command associates the group MYGROUP with the AAA server using the TACACS+ protocol? D) Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server MYGROUP tacacs+ protocol Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server protocol tacacs+ MYGROUP Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server tacacs+ protocol MYGROUP Pixfirewall(config)# aaa-server MYGROUP protocol tacacs+ 62. Which configuration command defines the association of initiating HTTP protocol traffic with an authentication proxy name MYPROXY? C) Router(config)# ip auth-proxy MYPROXY http Router(config)# auth-proxy MYPROXY ip http Router(config)# ip auth-proxy name MYPROXY http Router(config)# auth-proxy name MYPROXY ip http 63. With the following configuration command, how long does the PIX Security Appliance try to access the AAA server before choosing the next AAA server if there is no response from aaa-server MYTACACS (inside) host secretkey 12 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds 30 seconds 64. Which command will enable AAA services on a router? B Router(config)# aaa enable Router(config)# aaa new-model Router(config)# aaa set enable Router(config)# aaa new-model enable 65. What is the default timeout in minutes for the inactivity-timer parameter of the ip auth-proxy command? 15 30 45 60 90 66. The network administrator configured the aaa authorization command below on the PIX Security Appliance. What is the effect of this command? pix(config)# aaa authorization include tcp/22 outside auth1 FTP traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. SSH traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. HTTP traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. SMTP traffic from outside is subject to authorization by the AAA server. 67. Which type of authentication is being used when authentication is required via the PIX Security Appliance before direct traffic flow is allowed between users and the company web server? C) access authentication console access authentication cut-through proxy authentication tunnel access authentication 68. What will be the effect in the router after these configuration commands are entered? B) Router(config)# ip auth-proxy name aprule http Router(config)# interface ethernet0 Router(config-if)# ip auth-proxy aprule An authentication proxy rule called aprule is created making all authentication proxy services available only through the ethernet0 interface. An authentication proxy rule called aprule has been created for the HTTP protocol and is associated with the ethernet0 interface. An authentication proxy rule called aprule has been created for all protocols except the HTTP protocol and is associated with the ethernet0 interface. An authentication proxy rule called aprule has been created for the HTTP server running internally to the router and is associated with anyone attempting to access the web server from the ethernet0 interface. 69. When Cisco IOS Firewall authentication proxy is enabled, a user sends HTTP traffic which will trigger the authentication proxy. What is the first action taken by the proxy? C) The user will be asked to supply a valid username and password. The TACACS+ server will be contacted to see if the user is a valid user. The authentication proxy will check to see if the user has already been authenticated. If the authentication proxy has no user account for the user, it will check to see if a default guest user has been defined. 70. A TACACS+ server is configured to provide authentication, authorization, and accounting. The IP address of the server is, and the AAA authentication encryption key is S3crtK3y. Which command sequence will configure a Cisco router to communicate with the TACACS+ server? D) Router(config)# aaa new-model Router(config)# aaa authentication default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server host Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server key S3crtK3y Router(config)# aaa enable Router(config)# aaa authentication default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# tacacs-server host Router(config)# tacacs-server key S3crtK3y Router(config)# aaa enable Router(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server host Router(config)# aaa tacacs-server key S3crtK3y Router(config)# aaa new-model Router(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ Router(config)# aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+ Router(config)# tacacs-server host Router(config)# tacacs-server key S3crtK3y 71. The lead network administrator notices that unknown users have made router configuration changes. These changes are adversely affecting the network. Which command can be entered on the router to help identify future configuration changes and who made these changes? aaa accounting show uauth aaa accounting console aaa accounting match 72. Refer to the exhibit. Since ABC, Inc. is strengthening security, a PIX Security Appliance firewall must be configured with AAA services. Accounting should be provided for all FTP and HTTP traffic from any host to the WWW server at Which command sequence would successfully process the desired traffic to the NY_ACS accounting server? A pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting match 110 outside NY_ACS pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting access-list 110 outside pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting match 110 outside NY_ACS pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq ftp pixfirewall(config)# access-list 110 permit tcp any host eq http pixfirewall(config)# aaa accounting match 110 outside 73. Which command displays the current authenticated users, the host IP to which they are bound, and any cached IP and port authorization information on a Cisco PIX Security Appliance configured for AAA? B) pixfirewall(config)# show aaa all pixfirewall(config)# show uauth pixfirewall(config)# show aaa statistics pixfirewall(config)# show aaa-server 74. A user has initiated an HTTP session through a firewall and has been authenticated by an authentication proxy. They have not generated any traffic in a while and the idle timer has expired for that user. What will the user have to do to allow them to go through the firewall again? D) The user can manually restart the idle timer. The user can simply TFTP their user profile to t